What Kind of Criminal Defense Lawyer Should I Look For?
Important Characteristics That Your Criminal Defense Attorney Should Have

If you have been charged with a crime in Fort Collins and are searching for a top criminal defense lawyer to represent you, there are several considerations that you should keep in mind as you make calls.  Some things, such as experience, may seem obvious.  But there are other questions that you may have as you search for an attorney to represent you at the Larimer County Courts.  Does it matter if my lawyer only practices criminal defense?  Does it make a difference if they have represented clients specifically at the Larimer County Justice Center?  And finally: this lawyer promised a great outcome, but another attorney thinks that’s unrealistic – whom do I trust?  Below, our top criminal defense lawyers answer these questions to help you be better informed as to the lawyer you choose:

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1. Your Fort Collins lawyer should practice only criminal defense.

2. Your attorney should have experience at the Larimer County Courts.

3. Your Loveland criminal defense lawyer should tell you the truth.

1. Your Fort Collins lawyer should practice only criminal defense.

When you search for a top Fort Collins criminal defense lawyer to represent you, you will find that there are some lawyers who practice not only practice criminal law, but also some form of civil law.  Hiring a lawyer who practices both may be appealing if you are subject to both criminal and civil action.  So why hire an attorney who only practices criminal law?

Practicing law is complicated, period.  With criminal law alone, there are several statutes, rules and procedures, and other pieces – all of which are ever-evolving and changing – that a lawyer must keep track of.  An attorney who practices both criminal defense and civil law runs the risk of stretching themselves too thin, thereby jeopardizing your defense.  If you have been charged with a crime, it is best to contact a lawyer who specializes in criminal defense only.  Yes, it can be inconvenient to contact a separate lawyer to advocate for you in your civil case as well; however, it is ultimately in your best interest to do so.

2. Your attorney should have experience at the Larimer County Courts.

It’s a given that your attorney should have some experience practicing criminal defense, and generally, the more experience they have, the better.  What’s even better is if your lawyer has experience representing clients at the Larimer County Courts.  Our attorneys have extensive experience representing clients charged with offenses in Larimer County, which proves to be a major advantage.  We have worked with several different judges and District Attorneys over the years, and can anticipate how they might handle a case.  Some judges and DAs lean more towards rehabilitating defendants, while others are more prone to “throwing the book” at defendants.  This knowledge of how a judge and DA might handle your case is critical to your defense.

3. Your Loveland criminal defense lawyer should tell you the truth.

If you have been charged with a crime, you likely want to hear good news – your lawyer can get the charges dropped no problem, or the DA has a flimsy case against you.  However, it is imperative that your Loveland criminal defense lawyer tell you the truth rather than sugarcoat the gravity of your circumstances.  Sometimes, the truth is the best case scenario, and we may, in fact, have a solid chance of having the case dropped.  But if the DA has a solid case against you, we have an ethical obligation to inform you that you could very well be convicted and sentenced to the Larimer County Jail or Colorado DOC.  In that case, accepting a plea bargain is your best option.

The outcome in criminal cases depends on several different factors.  An experienced lawyer does make all the difference in your case, but several factors outside of your lawyer’s control are also at play.  No ethical attorney can guarantee that they can have the charges dropped.  If you contact a lawyer and they promise that they can have the case dismissed for you, run.

Have you been charged with a crime?  First, be smart, and exercise your right to stay silent – never talk to the Fort Collins Police or Larimer County Sheriff.  Then call 970-658-0007 to get in touch with a top criminal defense lawyer from the O’Malley Law Office today.  Together, we can protect your future.

The location for the Larimer County Courthouse is 201 Laporte Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado. We’ll see you there!

Photo by August de Richelieu