If you’re going to use a fake name, at least choose something believable. I read an article today about a man who was questioned by the police after someone suspected him of shoplifting. When the officers asked him for his name, the man replied that it was “Pineapple Divine,” and insisted it was his legal name. Obviously, the police officers didn’t believe this, and after a search, found stolen items in his backpack. A little bit of digging was done, and it was discovered that the fruity name wasn’t the man’s legal name after all. He was arrested for False Reporting and misdemeanor Theft. This kind of situation happens often in Fort Collins, and throughout Larimer County. People don’t usually make up such ridiculous names, but they often provide false or inaccurate information when being questioned by the police. This is never a good idea, because you could face additional charges – just like “Pineapple Divine” discovered after his arrest. Let’s look closer at the crime of False Reporting and how it is charged.
Using a Fake Name: What is False Reporting in Loveland?
A person can be arrested for False Reporting – C.R.S. 8-8-111, if they knowingly provide “false identifying information to law enforcement authorities.” “Identifying information” is defined as:
- Name
- Address
- Date of Birth
- Social Security Number
- Driver’s License Number
- Colorado Identification Number
False Reporting is also charged in a number of other circumstances, such as the activation of a fire alarm when there is no danger, making up a story about a crime to police officers, or the deactivation or prevention of a fire alarm from sounding. But, the most common way it is charged is when people provide inaccurate information to police officers when being questioned in Grand, Boulder, and Larimer County.
You’re Being Questioned by the Police: What Should You Do?
If you are being questioned by the police because they suspect you of committing a crime, we have three tips for you:
- Respectfully provide all identifying information they ask for – making up names, or giving a false address can often end in being arrested for False Reporting.
- Exercise your right to remain silent: You can never win when talking to the police. Tell them you wish to speak with your attorney. Be respectful, but firm.
- Contact a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney who can advise you in your situation. We have over two decades of experience, and can give you a good idea of the next step in your case.
You can never win when talking to the police.[/pullquote]
Arrested for False Reporting? Why You Need a Lawyer
False Reporting is only a class 3 misdemeanor, but it still carries a possible Larimer County Jail sentence of up to 6 months. But, pleading guilty to avoid jail time is not advisable: A criminal record, no matter how small, can have a negative impact on your future. Don’t lose hope – an honest criminal defense attorney at our office can help you navigate your way successfully through the criminal justice system and get the best possible outcome in your case.