Soliciting for Prostitution and Patronizing a Prostitute are commonly charged prostitution related crimes in Fort Collins and Larimer County. A state trooper recently got in a lot of trouble for his conduct and the results of his actions were widespread. According to the report, the trooper had sex with a prostitute after contacting her online. He did this while on Continue Reading
Fort Collins Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney Blog
Felony False Imprisonment Defense Attorney False Imprisonment with a Gun in Fort Collins, Colorado
In Fort Collins and Larimer County, felony False Imprisonment is charged when a person uses force or threat to detain someone without their consent. A man was recently arrested and charged with this crime after he was accused of using a gun to keep his girlfriend in a hotel room. According to the report, the girlfriend reported that her boyfriend Continue Reading
Assault Defense in Larimer County Principal Arrested on First Day on the Job
Assault is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of causing injury to another. The severity of the injury and the accused’s intent will determine the level of crime the Assault is charged as. A middle school teacher was unfortunately arrested at his school on his first day for an alleged Assault. According to the Continue Reading
Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification in Fort Collins Hidden Camera to Watch Attractive Men
Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of viewing another’s intimate parts without consent. A coffee shop employee was recently arrested and charged with the equivalent of this crime after a hidden cell phone was found in the coffee shop bathroom. According to the report, a male customer Continue Reading
Fort Collins Deregistration Attorney When Can Someone Petition to Deregister as a Sex Offender in Larimer County?
In Fort Collins and Larimer County, there is a relief for some who have to register as a sex offender – this is called Deregistration or Petition for Removal from Registry. This relief is not available to everyone who registers. There are some who will be required to register as a sex offender for life. But, for others, there may Continue Reading
Fort Collins Menacing Attorney Man Randomly Shoots Off Gun in Neighborhood
Menacing is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of putting someone in fear of serious bodily injury. Usually, Menacing is automatically charged when a gun is involved, because most people are instantly put in fear when a negative interaction with a gun is involved. A man was recently charged with Menacing, Possession of a Continue Reading
Robbery Defense Lawyer in Fort Collins Ding Dong Ditch Gone Wrong
In Fort Collins and Larimer County, Robbery is charged when a person is accused of taking something of value from another person. A teen recently found himself listed as a victim of a Robbery case when he and his friends were playing a game of ding dong ditch. According to the report, a group of teens were running around a Continue Reading
Indecent Exposure Charges in Fort Collins Can I Have Sex in My Car?
In Fort Collins and Larimer County, Indecent Exposure is charged when a person is accused of exposing themselves in a public place or in a place viewable by the public. This is an important point when it comes to those wondering about having sex in their car. While your car is privately owned, the windows and location make all the Continue Reading
Larimer County Assault on At-Risk Defense Attorney | Assault on At-Risk Adult Over Key Lime Pie
Assault is a serious crime in Fort Collins and Larimer County. However, when the alleged victim is considered an At-Risk Adult, then the Assault charge becomes even more serious. In Colorado, any Assault on At-Risk Adult is a felony, no matter the level of injury. A man recently made national headlines when he was charged with felony Assault on At-Risk Continue Reading
Larimer County Stalking Attorney Police Officer Stalks Co-Worker
One way Stalking is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of repeatedly following someone and causing them serious emotional distress. A former Johnstown police officer was charged with this crime after he was accused of following a co-worker and collecting data about her and her children. According to the report, the former officer pled Continue Reading