Fort Collins Obstructing a Police Officer Attorney
Is Refusing to Answer Questions Obstructing a Peace Officer in Colorado?

In Fort Collins and Larimer County, people often think that Obstructing a Peace Officer is charged when someone does ANYTHING to prevent an officer from getting what they want. But, that’s not actually the case. We have had clients say that they were worried they would be charged with Obstruction if they didn’t talk with Continue Reading

Fort Collins Soliciting for Prostitution Attorney
Cop’s Prostitution Arrest Leads to Hundreds of Case Dismissals

Soliciting for Prostitution and Patronizing a Prostitute are commonly charged prostitution related crimes in Fort Collins and Larimer County. A state trooper recently got in a lot of trouble for his conduct and the results of his actions were widespread. According to the report, the trooper had sex with a prostitute after contacting her online. Continue Reading