Late last year in Lafayette, Colorado (which is in Boulder County), four young people were arrested after they shot out the windows of almost 40 homes and vehicles. They used a CO2 powered bb gun for the vandalism. Over $300,000 in damage was done to the cars and homes. When questioned about the motive for the vandalism, the young people stated they had shot out the windows because that’s what they “did for fun” back home in their state. Unfortunately, laws are different across the country. While this offense may not be as serious back home, these young people will face serious consequences for their actions: They most likely will be charged with Criminal Mischief – C.R.S. 18-4-501, and face massive restitution payments.
What is Criminal Mischief?
Criminal Mischief is charged in Larimer, Gilpin, and Clear Creek County when a person causes damage to the property of another person. This offense is similar to Theft – C.R.S. 18-4-401; the level of severity of the crime is decided based on the value of the item which was damaged (in cases of Criminal Mischief) or stolen (in cases of Theft) in Fort Collins, Loveland or Estes Park.
What is the Sentence for this “Fun Activity”?
Criminal Mischief varies from a class 2 misdemeanor up to a class 3 felony. In the instance above involving the Lafayette residents, the total damage done to the homes and vehicles (cost to replace or repair smashed windows) was $300,000. This means they could be facing a class 3 felony. The possible sentence for this level of offense is up to 12 years imprisonment in the Colorado Department of Corrections.
Why You Need an Experienced Criminal Lawyer if You’ve Been Charged with Criminal Mischief
If you have been charged with Criminal Mischief, it is vital to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately. The young people from Boulder could spend the next decade of their lives in prison. This is no way to start adulthood. An experienced lawyer often can work out a favorable plea deal which avoids prison or jail time. District Attorneys and police commonly overcharge people with Criminal Mischief – as skilled criminal lawyers, we are able to determine the correct level of offense you should be given. Occasionally, we are able to get cases dismissed. Don’t let a night of fun which got out of hand ruin your chances of a bright future.