Be Careful Who You Text
There are many rules to follow when on parole or probation. One of the most important is that you are not to possess, use, or consume any illegal drugs. You are even required to submit urine samples to test that you are abiding by this rule. So, why did a man from out of state think he could get away with not following this regulation? Clearly, he couldn’t, seeing as he pretty much told on himself. This man actually sent a text to his probation officer asking, “You have any weed?” Well, if that doesn’t raise a red flag, I don’t know what would! Needless to say, the probation officer soon showed up at the texter’s house only to find a bag of cocaine in his possession. Now, he is going back to prison for violating his parole and probation and he is getting an extra year for the drug charge. Now, in other states all drugs are illegal, but you may be wondering if the same rules apply in Colorado, a state where marijuana has been legalized.
But Marijuana is Legal in Fort Collins, Colorado
[pullquote align=”center” textalign=”center” width=”100%”]When signing all your paperwork and getting all your directives, it is made clear that ALL drugs are off limits.[/pullquote]It doesn’t matter to parole or probation. When signing all your paperwork and getting all your directives, it is made clear that all drugs are off limits. Illegal drugs are obviously a no – go, but so is marijuana. It doesn’t matter if you have you have previously used it medicinally or recreationally; marijuana is prohibited across the board in Fort Collins, Estes Park and Loveland. Remember, marijuana is still illegal under federal law. It’s possession is a federal crime. And, a standard term of all probation contracts is that you not commit any new federal, state, or municipal court violations of the law.
Why You Need a Lawyer for Your Probation Revocation
You may think that since you have been sentenced, having a lawyer defend you is unnecessary. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. You need a lawyer to fight against your probation revocation and to get your probation reinstated. There are many other options besides serving jail or prison time. An experienced lawyer from the O’Malley Law Office can help show the Courts in Larimer, Boulder and Grand County you deserve a second chance, or that your violation is excusable.