A few weeks ago, I heard a story about a Pennsylvania woman that absolutely shocked me. In July 2013, a woman legally obtained a license-to-carry permit in Pennsylvania for protection after she was robbed. In October of that same year, she decided to take a trip to Atlantic City, New Jersey. During that trip, she was arrested and charged with unlawful possession of a weapon and possession of hollow-point bullets. How did this happen? Well, during a routine traffic stop, she informed the police officer she had a gun in her handbag with a carry permit for it. Unfortunately for her, her honesty may land her with a three-year prison sentence. New Jersey has extremely strict gun laws and does not recognize carry permits from any other state.
What Does This Mean for You in Larimer County?
Well, it’s important to know that if you have a Colorado Permit to Carry Concealed Handguns, it does not mean that you are clear to carry your firearm in every other state. Let’s look at what states honor your Colorado Concealed Carry Permit, so you know if you are safe to carry your gun when you travel.
Colorado and Reciprocity with Other States
Colorado is a state that will issue a Concealed Carry Permit to any resident as long as they meet all requirements. That seems like an obvious statement, but there are states, which have given themselves the authority to deny someone a Concealed Carry Permit, even if they meet all the requirements.
Luckily, Colorado has reciprocity agreements with many other states. Reciprocity means each state honors the other state’s Concealed Carry Permit. States that have reciprocity with Colorado are: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
Traveling with a Concealed Carry Permit
Now, that is a majority of the states, so it might seem like it’s nothing to worry about, but imagine this: You are driving to Indiana to visit family. You travel down I-80 headed due west with your gun and permit in the car and it’s pretty smooth sailing. But, on your route do you have to travel through Illinois? If so, that would be an issue. Illinois does not honor Colorado Concealed Carry Permits. If you got caught with your firearm in Illinois, it would not matter that you legally obtained permission to have this gun. You would be considered illegally carrying a concealed weapon and could be charged with serious a felony.
What Lesson Can Be Learned?
[pullquote align=”right” textalign=”center” width=”30%”]Knowledge is key.[/pullquote]In this situation, knowledge is key. You may have thought that once you got your permit in Fort Collins, Loveland, or Estes Park, you were set for life. Ideally, that would be true. Unfortunately, it is not the case. If you are traveling or planning to have your firearm with you in any other state, make sure you know the rules before you take your firearm anywhere outside the Colorado state border. Then you and your permit will be protected. The second lesson is to be quiet and don’t volunteer information to the police. They are not your friend.
Charged with a Concealed Carry Permit Violation? Why You Need a Lawyer?
Just like with the woman above, situations can arise where you are charged with violations or unlawful possession when you thought you were completely in the right. If this should happen, you should hire an experienced and knowledgeable attorney who can protect your 2nd Amendment right as well as your future. With over 20 years of experience defending clients against the government in Jackson, Boulder or Washington County, we will work tirelessly to get you the result you desire on your case.
If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at the O’Malley Law Office for a free consultation at 970-658-0007. We can also meet with your friend or family member at the Larimer County jail. Together, we can protect your future.