Top Fort Collins DUI Lawyers
First DUI or DWAI? Here’s What to Expect at the Larimer County Courts

Charged with your first DUI or DWAI offense in Fort Collins? Contact the O'Malley Law Office to protect your future!

Our top Fort Collins DUI lawyers understand that facing your first DUI or DWAI charge can be terrifying.  Conviction of Driving Under the Influence or Driving While Ability Impaired can mean devastating consequences for your future.  You could be sentenced to the Larimer County Jail, pay hefty fines and surcharges, have your driver’s license suspended, and face many other penalties.  The good news is that you don’t need to take on your charges alone – and you shouldn’t.  Instead, contact the best Larimer County DUI lawyers today, and together, we can help you protect your future.

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Contact a Top Fort Collins DUI Lawyer Today

What Factors Will Affect My DUI / DWAI Case at the Larimer County Courts? | BAC and the Express Consent Test

Larimer County Jail Time Can Be Waived for a First Driving Under the Influence Offense in Loveland

Contact a Top Fort Collins DUI Lawyer Today

First things first: you need to contact a top Fort Collins DUI lawyer today.  Whether it’s your first or fourth DUI, representation by an attorney with experience handling hundreds of DUI and DWAI cases is crucial.  You need a DUI lawyer to:

  • Represent you throughout your case, ensuring that you see the best possible outcome at the end. This includes negotiating with the District Attorney on your behalf – something that only an experienced attorney can successfully accomplish.
  • Give you legal advice so that you don’t take any missteps that could hurt your case.
  • Thoroughly examine and research your case, applying decades of legal experience and knowledge to tackle your charges.

It’s also important to talk to an experienced DUI attorney in Larimer County because your case is unique.  Information on the Internet can be useful, but it is only general information.  In the worst case scenario, it can also be confusing, misleading, or even just wrong.  Contacting a lawyer means getting accurate information that is relevant to your case.

What Factors Will Affect My First DUI / DWAI Case at the Larimer County Courts? | BAC and the Express Consent Test

If it’s your first DUI / DWAI at the Larimer County Courts, it’s important to know that several different factors can affect how your case turns out.  Some of these include:

Larimer County Jail Time Can Be Waived for a First Driving Under the Influence Offense in Loveland

Here’s some good news: Larimer County Jail time can be waived for a first Driving Under the Influence or Driving While Ability Impaired offense in Loveland.  Usually, jail time is mandatory for DUI / DWAI in Colorado.  However, this requirement can be suspended if you undergo an alcohol evaluation and pay for and complete a Level II Alcohol Education + Treatment program.

If you’ve been charged with Driving Under the Influence or Driving While Ability Impaired, remember to always be smart, and exercise your right to stay silent.  Then call 970-658-0007 to discuss your case with a top Fort Collins and Loveland DUI lawyer about your case today.  Together, we can protect your future.

The location for the Larimer County Justice Center is 201 Laporte Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado. We’ll see you there!

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay