We’ve all had those moments where our computer freezes, or something won’t download and you want to just throw your computer out the window or stomp on it crushing it to pieces. A Colorado Springs man decided to act on his frustration with his laptop when he took it into a back alley and fired eight shots into it with his handgun. Luckily, he had a permit to legally posses the gun, but he was still charged with a municipal crime by the city of Colorado Springs. If this had happened in Fort Collins, the city would have charged the man with Discharging of a Weapon.
What is Discharging of a Weapon in Fort Collins?
Sec. 17-101 of Fort Collins Municipal Code defines Discharging of Weapons as:
There are certain exceptions to this rule:
- If the firearm or weapon is discharged by any law enforcement office in the course of training exercises or under official duty
- If the person has a permit allowing the discharge of firearms or weapons at a specific location to test-fire firearms cleaned or repaired at a licensed firearms dealer’s business location only in areas of the City zoned for such firearms business use or as part of an educational program.
Even if the person has a valid Concealed Carry Permit, the city of Fort Collins can still charge the person if they discharge their firearm within city limits as an Offense Against Public Safety. The misdemeanor charge would be handled in Fort Collins Municipal Court. The city can sentence a person charged with a misdemeanor crime to a maximum of $1,000 and up to 6 months in Larimer County Jail.
Many cities have specific rules about carrying and discharging firearms within city limits.
This rule is not just applicable in Fort Collins and Colorado Springs. Many cities, like Loveland, Estes Park, and all throughout Larimer County, have specific rules about carrying and discharging firearms within city limits. The City Attorney may offer a deal if you plead to the misdemeanor violation and pay a fine. Remember though, the offense will stay on your record. Having the best criminal defense attorneys on your side is vital to protecting your future.