Fort Collins Robbery Lawyer
Following the Tracks in the Snow 

Taking something of value from another person using force, threats, or intimidation is charged as Robbery in Fort Collins and Larimer County. A woman is facing these charges after police followed footprints in the snow back to the woman’s house. According to the report, a woman called police to report that another woman had taken her purse from her. The two had struggled over the purse, but the robber Continue Reading

Fort Collins Theft Attorney
Porch Pirates Foiled by Booby Trapped Package

Taking something that doesn’t belong to you is charged as Theft in Fort Collins and Larimer County. Because the Christmas season is upon us, you often see packages sitting on people’s front porches, recently delivered by the post office, UPS, or FedEx. Across the country, residents have been complaining about ‘porch pirates,’ people stealing packages off their front porch. Many Continue Reading