Larimer County Sexual Exploitation of Children Lawyer
Woman Arrested for Creating Child Porn

Commonly, Sexual Exploitation of a Child is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is found in possession of pornographic images of children. But, the Sexual Exploitation of a Child statute also covers other actions, like creating child porn or allowing a child a child to participate in the creation of child pornography. A woman was recently Continue Reading

Child Abuse: Dependency and Neglect – Social Services Taking Kids Away

Occasionally, Child Abuse – C.R.S. 18-401 cases turn into cases of Dependency and Neglect (D&N) in Larimer County. If a child is neglected, Colorado statue allows that children can be taken away from their parents. Dependency and Neglect: Children are Taken Away for “Safety” Sometimes in dependency and neglect cases, children are taken away from extremely bad situations, but often, Continue Reading