“Colorado man faces Public Indecency charges.” There are headlines like this all across Colorado, Larimer, Boulder and Grand County. The general belief is that people facing Public Indecency charges are gross and lewd. Unfortunately, this isn’t true. Instead, the law is often unjust when it comes to crimes like Public Indecency. You may thing a person charged with this crime exposed themselves in public, or committed another lewd act. This is simply not true. Let’s take a look at what I mean.
Colorado City Law Against Spitting in Public
In a city in Colorado, the law states that a person will face Public Indecency charges for spitting in public. You read that right. Spitting in a park is equated with urinating in public, exposing yourself to strangers, or streaking across a football field. While this isn’t a law in Fort Collins, Loveland, or Estes Park, it’s important to know about laws in our state that make no sense. While spitting on the street in the Fort Collins isn’t a sex offense, it is still called “Public Indecency,” which can be a sex offense in Colorado.
Unjust Laws Need to Be Brought to Life
When we come across unjust laws in our state, we need to bring them to the attention of the public. We need to let our legislators know we don’t agree. Public Indecency is a sex crime in Colorado (a second time conviction is a sex offense). Spitting in pubic should not be labeled the same as a possible sex offense. The sex offender label is extremely harsh and carries a negative connotation. Let’s say a young teenage boy is convicted of Public Indecency after spitting on a sidewalk. A few years later, he tries to get a job at a bank, only to find they rejected his resume because of his Public Indecency conviction. They didn’t take the time to consider the charges may not be what they appear. Many landlords and employers don’t invest the time to hear the whole story.
[pullquote align=”center” textalign=”center” width=”100%”]When we come across unjust laws in our state, we need to bring them to the attention of the public.[/pullquote]Laws Are Unjust: Which Is Why You Need a Lawyer
Unfortunately, laws are in effect in Colorado which are unjust and unrealistic. Sometimes, our legislators and criminal justice system forget about common sense. This is why you need to contact a distinguished criminal defense lawyer if you are facing Public Indecency charges or any other criminal charge in Colorado. Don’t put your future in the hands of an inexperienced public defender. Protect your future by working with an attorney who will be your advocate in court and work to get your case dismissed or get an acquittal at trial.