Probation Revocation Lawyer at the Larimer County Courts
Why is My Probation Being Revoked in Fort Collins, CO?

Probation revocation takes place whenever a person violates any of the conditions of their probation. If your probation could be revoked, don't wait -- contact a top Fort Collins criminal defense lawyer today at 970-658-0007.

Probation revocation can take place for any one of a variety of different reasons at the Larimer County Courts.  Often, probationers find themselves in hot water after going out for a beer in downtown Fort Collins or for neglecting to check in with their Probation Officer / PO.  The good news is that when a PO files a Motion to Revoke Probation, a hearing is then set at the Larimer County Courts to determine whether the probation should be revoked.  With a top criminal defense lawyer representing you at your hearing, revocation doesn’t have to be the outcome.  We will fight on your behalf for your probation to be reinstated so that you can successfully complete your sentence and live in freedom again.

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What are Some Reasons for Probation Revocation at the Larimer County Courts?

How Does the Process for Revoking Someone’s Probation Work in Loveland and Estes Park?

Contact a Top Fort Collins Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

What are Some Reasons for Probation Revocation at the Larimer County Courts?

Probation revocation can happen for one of several different reasons at the Larimer County Courts.  Some common reasons include:

  • Drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana, or taking any non-prescribed controlled substances; testing positive on your drug tests
  • Committing a new crime
  • Not checking in with your Probation Officer
  • Failing to make restitution payments
  • Refusing to participate in court-ordered treatment or evaluations
  • Failing to fulfill any other condition of your probation as required by the Court

Some Probation Officers are more lenient and will let go of one or two minor infractions, like being a few minutes late to meet with them.  Others are stricter and will file a Motion to Revoke Probation the first time you take a misstep.  It is critical that you do everything you can to adhere to all the conditions of your probation.

How Does the Process for Revoking Someone’s Probation Work in Loveland and Estes Park?

Revoking a person’s probation in Loveland and Estes Park starts when a Probation Officer files a Motion to Revoke Probation.  Sometimes this takes place right away when a probationer violates one of the conditions of the sentence.  Other times, the PO may just impose further conditions and let the probationer continue their sentence.  When the Motion is filed, the Larimer County Courts will set a hearing for the probationer to determine whether to revoke the probation.  If the probation is revoked, the probationer may be sent to the Larimer County Jail or Colorado DOC, depending on the original offense committed.  If the Courts decide to allow the probationer to continue their probation, additional conditions may be imposed.

Contact a Top Fort Collins Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

If your probation is in jeopardy of revocation, don’t wait to contact a top Fort Collins criminal defense lawyer today.  Representation by an experienced attorney is critical to keeping your probation so that you can move closer to living in freedom again.  Often, the initiation of the probation revocation process is the result of circumstances outside of your control.  Alternatively, you may have simply made a mistake and earnestly want to learn from it, which can only happen if your probation is not revoked.  Whatever the case, give us a call today to discuss your case, and we can help you protect your future.

Have you been accused of violating the conditions of your probation?  Call 970-658-0007 today to discuss your case with a top criminal defense lawyer from the O’Malley Law Office.  Together, we can protect your future.

The location for the Larimer County Courthouse is 201 Laporte Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado. We’ll see you there!

Photo by Kindel Media