Before getting into the debate on whether pro se representation is a good idea, we should probably talk about what it actually is. In laymen’s terms, pro se representation is when a defendant decides to represent themselves without a lawyer in Larimer, Boulder, or Grand County Court. Usually when, people charged with a crime choose to go this route, it is because they either can’t afford an attorney or they don’t want to work with the public defender.
Pros of Going Pro Se – Representing Yourself in a Larimer County Criminal Case
The most obvious reason a person chooses to go pro se is the cost. Pro se representation is free, and hiring a criminal defense attorney is definitely not. Another advantage is that when a person chooses pro se representation, they get to have direct contact with the Larimer County District Attorney assigned to their case. Instead of having a criminal defense attorney act as the go between, the pro se defendant will be able to collect copies of the discovery and evidence and talk directly to the DA, which is not allowed when a person has an attorney. Pro se defendants are completely responsible for what happens in their case. Some people feel better with this arrangement because they feel they can explain their story to a jury without any help.
Cons of Going Pro Se in Fort Collins – Dangers of Representing Yourself
The law is a confusing and intricate thing. It can be hard to understand and Colorado lawmakers have set up rules relating to procedures and evidence that criminal defense attorneys are very familiar with. Not only that, but there are hundreds of rules surrounding definitions, defenses, and crimes, which are vital to understand when approaching a criminal case. This is not background knowledge a pro se defendant would have. It would take so much time to get even a surface level understanding – it would become almost a full time job. I would never be able to read some books on the subject and then feel comfortable performing a surgery on someone else. Training and experience are vital for success in an operating room, much like they are in the courtroom.
Is a Defense Lawyer Really Necessary for My Boulder County Case?
Let’s be honest, you are probably not expecting a criminal defense attorney to say that it is okay to represent yourself pro se. And in most cases, we would not recommend it. For something like a speeding ticket or traffic infraction, you can try to represent yourself. If it doesn’t go well or you mess it up, the worst thing that happens is you get points on your license and fines to pay. But when you could face potential jail or prison time, it’s probably best to get a criminal defense attorney’s help. There is simply just too much at stake with misdemeanor and felony cases.