Sexual Assault on a Child – C.R.S. 18-3-405 charges in Fort Collins, Loveland and Larimer County, Colorado, are some of the most serious felony cases our lawyers encounter. This occurs because no physical evidence is usually present and yet convictions result in the most severe consequences. Children and disgruntled ex-spouses bring allegations of sexual abuse involving children for revenge, to get a man out of the house, and to gain an advantage in child custody proceedings. No real evidence is needed. Frequently, trial consists of a man denying the sexual touch while a cute young girl states it occurred. Disproportionately, consequences for a conviction for this crime can result in lifetime imprisonment.
Our Goals to Protect You
At the outset of a case involving allegations of Sexual Assault on a Child, as your law firm we are concerned with two things:
- Preserving our version of events, and
- Learning about the person accusing you.
In order to protect you, you must remain silent. It is no longer true that officers dig into a case and to determine who is telling the truth. Instead, fearful of someone accusing the officer of being soft on sex offenders, officers gather initial statements from the alleged victim and the defendant – with a bent toward establishing the guilt of the accused. It is always best to cut off the flow of information from our side, largely because of the bias police have toward supporting their “victim”. This bias results in misquotes of what our client says to Fort Collins, Loveland and Estes Park police detectives or outright misrepresentations. In the end, it is always safer for an officer’s career to support the accuser rather than the accused. In support of you, our private investigator will learn as much as possible about your accuser. Your criminal defense lawyer will seek out admissible evidence of her character for truthfulness and motive to lie. A past history of making similar false allegations is a goldmine for our defense of you.
[pullquote align=”center” textalign=”center” width=”90%”]We will seek out admissible evidence of the alleged victim’s character for truthfulness and motive to lie. [/pullquote]Position of Trust and Pattern Conduct Sexual Assault on a Child Charges
This crime has two serious variations, which add to the severity and required sentence for any conviction. Prosecutors can add the designations “Position of Trust” and “Pattern”, both which increase the required punishment of Sexual Assault on a Child charges. Position of Trust elevates the crime by alleging the defendant was in a special relationship of trust with the alleged victim, like pastor / youth group member, teacher / student, babysitter / babysat or parent / child. The Pattern designation means that the accused committed the sexual touching of the same child more than one time. These variations will result in charges of a class 3 felony or mandatory prison if convicted. Lifetime probation can also result under slightly lesser circumstances.
Why You Need an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney
We have twenty-three years’ experience defending men and women accused of Sexual Assault on a Child charges in Larimer County, Jackson County, Routt County and all over Colorado. Put that experience and proven track record of success to work for you. Our private investigators, doctors, child sex treatment provider expert witnesses and forensic team are ready to get behind you and prove your innocence to a jury at trial. Don’t let threats, exclusion from your children or labels by the government make you a lifetime sex offender. This is a one-in-a-lifetime battle we have fought hundreds of times before and are ready to fight for you.
Whether police have yet to contact you, or whether you have been to court already, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent and quickly call our experienced attorneys at 970-658-0007, or submit the “Get Help Now” form. Together, we can protect your future.
Related Links:
- Learn more about Sexual Assault charges