What Are Pretext Calls in Larimer County Sex Assault Cases?
Basically, a pretext phone call in Larimer, Boulder, and Grand County is a recorded phone call between the alleged victim (for accuser) and the suspect. It is an investigative tool law enforcement frequently utilizes in the midst of an investigation. The call is generally initiated by the accuser, under the supervision of the detective or officer assigned to the case.
How Are Pretext Calls Made in Fort Collins?
Police try to get a pretext phone call made before the accused even knows about the investigation.
Many times in Fort Collins, Loveland, and Estes Park, police try to get a pretext phone call made before the accused even knows about the investigation. They think this will catch the accused off guard and they won’t be suspicious of the call. After the police get the basic report from their victim, an investigator or detective is assigned to the case. When meeting with the victim, the investigator will ask if the victim is willing to make a pretext phone call. If the victim agrees, a time is scheduled and the call is made. The call is largely scripted and designed to catch the accused person unaware.
The call is largely scripted and designed to catch the accused person unaware.
The investigator uses equipment to disguise the phone number coming in through the caller ID to reflect the number of the accuser – making it look like she is making the call from her own phone. The call is recorded and the victim is coached to ask questions like “why did you do it?,” “why did you have sex with me after I said no?,” or “why would you have sex with me when I was that drunk?” The detective is trained to instruct the victim to avoid harsh and accusatory questions, which would raise red flags or instantly cause the accused to become defensive.
[pullquote align=”center” textalign=”center” width=”90%”]Have you received a pretext call? Do you think you may be facing Sex Assault Charges? Call the experienced criminal defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office to defend you today![/pullquote]
How Are Pretext Phone Calls Used in Loveland?
The detective looks for any statements of corroboration, admission, or defense. Even a lack of denial to a question can be as incriminating as an admission, in the eyes of the investigator. The recording of the pretext call is entered as evidence and used against the accused if criminal charges are filed. Any statements made to the alleged victim through a pretext phone call can be manipulated and intentions can be misinterpreted. The detectives and investigators know there is a much better chance a person will talk with their accuser (usually someone they know or a family member) before they will speak with the police and they use this fact to their advantage.
I Think I Might Have Received a Pretext Phone Call, What Do I Do Next?
It is always best to not make any statements and end the call.
If you receive a phone call where the person is asking questions about why you had sex with them, or what you were thinking when you hurt them, you may be involved in a pretext phone call. It is always best to not make any statements and end the call. The problem is, you can be damned either way. If you deny, but don’t deny vehemently enough, you can be seen as guilty. If you admit you had sex with the person, but you knew it to be consensual, this can be seen as an admission of guilt. Overall, the best practice is to quickly end the call.
Put your trust in someone who has your very best interest at heart.
If you think you have gotten a pretext phone call, you may be facing criminal charges soon. It is imperative you contact the best criminal defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office, who are experienced in defending client accused of sexual crimes. Sex offenses are punished especially harsh. These charges are complicated and you need a competent attorney who understands all the complex aspects of these types of cases. Put your trust in someone who has your very best interest at heart. Hire an attorney who has been in court hundred of times before.