Indecent Exposure vs. Public Indecency – Small Differences Make a Big Difference
The alternative to Indecent Exposure is Public Indecency, C.R.S. 18-7-301. At first glance, the two charges appear very similar. Both require exposure of one’s genitals to the view of any person, “where such conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm.” Indecent exposure has the added element that the exposure occur “with the intent to arouse or to satisfy the sexual desire of any person”. It is a fine line sometimes for a jury to decide whether the conduct merits one charge or the other. As you may imagine, keeping silent when police question you about the circumstances of this offense is important. They will fish to obtain statements related to establishing your sexual purpose. In most circumstances, district attorneys will presume intent for sexual purposes and charge Indecent Exposure – regardless of the devastating consequences to the person charged.
Consequences of a Sexual Offense Conviction
For twenty-three years, we have been defending men and women accused of Indecent Exposure in Wellington, Berthoud, Windsor and all Larimer County. We know how to weigh the government’s evidence and predict how a jury will likely vote in given circumstances. A conviction for this crime will require the harsh sex offender treatment and sex offender probation. That means the government will scrutinize where you work, whether you can have contact with any children (including your own kids), and where you can go. Don’t trust your life and future to an attorney who practices criminal defense part-time. You need a lawyer whose full-time practice is criminal law.
Always exercise your constitutional right to remain silent and decline to speak with police. Then, call our attorneys 24/7 at 970-658-0007, or submit the “Get Help Now” form. Together, we can protect your future.
Helpful Links:
- Visit the Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) Website
- Learn about other sex offense charges in Larimer County
- Learn more about Public Indecency charges