What is Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child in Larimer County?
A person (actor) will be charged with Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child in Larimer County if they knowingly:
Importune, invite, or entice through communication online or over the phone (computer or telephone network, instant messaging, texting, etc.) with a child who they know to be under 15 years old to: Expose or touch their own (or another person’s) intimate parts, or observe the actor’s own intimate parts.
Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child is often charged after police sting operations in Berthoud, Drake and Wellington. Undercover police officers pose online as young girls in adult chat rooms or using classified listings. They communicate with whoever contacts them and work to get the elements they need in order for a conviction.
[pullquote align=”center” textalign=”center” width=”70%”]Undercover police officers pose online as young girls and work to gather the evidence they need for a conviction. [/pullquote]
What is the Sentence for Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child?
This sex offense is a class 4 felony in Fort Collins, Johnstown and Windsor. Sex offenses are treated harshly in Colorado – if you have been charged, contact an experienced lawyer immediately.
– Indeterminate Sentence
This sex offense is subject to Colorado’s indeterminate sentencing laws. This means, that judge would be unable to set the upper limit for a prison sentence at sentencing. If a person is convicted of Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child, they would be given sex offender intensive supervised probation (SOISP) or sentenced to the Colorado Department of Corrections for 2 years to life. Release from prison would be decided by the Colorado Parole Board.
– Sex Offender Registration
If a person is convicted of Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child, they will be required to register as a sex offender. It is difficult to abide by the confusing laws which govern sex offenders. Failure to provide complete and correct information could result in prison time. Registered sex offenders also have a difficult time finding employment or housing.
– Sex Offender Treatment
If a person is sentenced to prison for Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child, their release will depend on finishing their treatment. This harsh treatment is overseen by the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) which has a one-size-fits-all policy. The SOMB operates under the belief that all sex offenders are “dangerous, covert, deceptive” and incurable. All sex offenders will undergo the same treatment, regardless of the offense. Sex offender treatment providers are limited in prison – many men are sitting in prison with an indeterminate sentence, awaiting treatment.
[pullquote align=”center” textalign=”center” width=”70%”]We will work to create a strong defense in your case.[/pullquote]
Why You Need an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney
Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child is a serious offense. If you are convicted, your life will change forever. You will face registration as a sex offender, indeterminate prison time, and invasive sex offender treatment. It is vital for your future that you entrust your case to an experienced criminal lawyer. We will work to create a strong defense in your case. The District Attorney will need to prove that you “knowingly” communicated with the “child” in your criminal case. We will sort through the complexities of what this means and use your mental state in evaluating your defense. Occasionally, we are able to use the entrapment defense. We often utilize this affirmative defense when the police made the first contact with our client. If we are able to use the entrapment defense, we will need to prove that the government played a major role in leading our client into conduct they normally would not otherwise have engaged in. No matter what your situation is; we will fight hard to protect your future. We will fight to protect your freedom, ability to be with your family, and your job.
If you or a loved one has been charged with Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at the O’Malley Law Office at 970-658-0007, or submit the “Get Help Now” form. Together, we can protect your future.