Fort Collins Domestic Violence Defense Attorney

Domestic Violence laws are now written so broadly in Colorado that it occurs in every household if you look close enough. Mean words between frustrated lovers are common. If the police are called in an angry moment, they would label it Domestic Violence. This crime no longer has to involve pushing, shoving or hitting. Any crime can qualify as Domestic Violence. And, if the Fort Collins police or Larimer County Sheriff are called, Colorado now has a mandatory arrest law for this crime – meaning someone is going to be taken away in handcuffs.
Specific Issues Related to Domestic Violence Charges
Larimer County DV LawyerWhat is Domestic Violence?
As a sentence enhancer, domestic violence is a label that can attach to ANY crime in Larimer County between persons who have at any time (even 20 years earlier) been in an intimate relationship. The charged conduct must involve some element of coercion, control, punishment, intimidation or revenge. It can involve animals, people or property. The definition can also include acts or threatened acts of violence (C.R.S. 18-6-800.3). With a recent Colorado Supreme Court decision, sex is no longer a prerequisite to an “intimate relationship”. Kissing, hand holding, or just spending time together can qualify.
Why Should I Hire a Domestic Violence Defense Attorney in Fort Collins?
We go to trial on a domestic violence case if there is a reasonable chance of an acquittal, because of the harsh consequences of any plea bargain. Therefore, we encourage anyone with exposure to DV charges to contact us quickly. A quick consultation with one of our lawyers can save you great loss in Fort Collins, Loveland or Estes Park. Colorado also has a mandatory sentence for domestic violence convictions or pleas, which involves defendant participation in a minimum 36 weeks of DV classes, evaluations and therapy. The consequences of a conviction or plea to domestic violence is long-lasting.
Loveland Domestic Violence Defense Attorney Broad Consequences for DV Charges
The label for this crime is very broad, and so are its consequences. Under state and federal law, persons convicted of Domestic Violence are not able to possess firearms or pass sensitive background clearance checks. We often arrange our cases so that our clients remain firearm possession eligible. However, this is a more difficult process due to recent changes in Colorado firearm law. This restriction can affect a person’s ability to participate in sports like hunting or a career which involves firearms or high security.
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Issues Related to Domestic Violence in Fort Collins and Larimer County
Boulder Domestic Violence Defense Attorney Advice: Two Things to Do Right Now:
Immediate action is necessary for your defense.
Child custody may also be impacted if your ‘victim’ has children with you. It is common for them to obtain custody of your children and get a no contact order, preventing you from seeing your kids.
When you are arrested, you need to immediately establish a shield of protection around you and your interests. We give jail visits 24 / 7 and will come to the jail to meet with you right away. Your need for an experienced domestic violence defense lawyer is urgent with a DV arrest. Protect access to your home, children and spouse when charged with a Larimer County Domestic Violence charge.