Imagine this: You are sitting in your driveway, having a beer, and relaxing after a long day. Your friend, who lives across the street, comes out of his house and starts walking toward you, clearly wanting to say hi. You get up and start toward him, meeting on the road just in front of your driveway, your open beer still in hand. As you innocently chat and catch up, a Fort Collins police officer drives by and notices the open beer in your hand. He stops and tickets you for Municipal “Offenses Against Decency.”
What are Municipal “Offenses Against Decency?”
While this situation may seem far-fetched, it is actually very possible. The City of Fort Collins’ Chapter 17, Article VIII “Offenses Against Decency” states:
Under this article, by stepping from your private driveway into the public street with an open container of alcohol, you have committed a city court misdemeanor. This could result in a maximum penalty of $1,000, 6 months in Larimer County Jail, or both. Not only that, but this one small misunderstanding could stay on your record and follow you through the rest of your life. I don’t know about you, but the term “Offenses Against Decency” makes me think of something much worse than having an open beer on a public street. What do you think future employers will think when they see this conviction on your background check? You may think it’s easier just to pay a fine and move on, but there can be long term consequences.
Why You Need a Lawyer for Your Offenses Against Decency Charges
While this rule is specific to Fort Collins in Larimer County, similar laws exist across the state in Boulder, Jackson and Grand County. Hiring an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer is necessary to getting charges dismissed and keeping your record clean. With over 20 years of experience handling municipal cases in Fort Collins, Loveland, and Estes Park, O’Malley Law Office will help fight for you.