A few weeks ago, a Colorado State University student allegedly stole an ambulance that was idled on campus while paramedics handled an emergency situation. The teen drove it to Loveland where he and the heavily damaged ambulance were found on Highway 34.
The CSU student was found outside of the ambulance wearing an EMT vest and holding something in his arms. He would not respond to the police officer’s commands, so they shot him with a stun gun to get him to submit. It was later realized he had been holding a blanket, a cell phone, and a box of Wheat Thins. Making things worse, he supposedly masturbated at the Loveland Police Department and later assaulted the deputies delivering his meal.
Molly and Dangerous Drug Use on CSU Campus in Larimer County
The CSU teen was reported to have been on “molly” and cocaine, which he took at a Halloween concert. ‘Molly’ is a pure powder form of ecstasy usually bought in capsules. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports:
“The emotional and pro-social effects of MDMA (molly and ecstasy) are likely caused directly or indirectly by the release of large amounts of serotonin, which influences mood (as well as other functions such as appetite and sleep). Serotonin also triggers the release of the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin, which play important roles in love, trust, sexual arousal, and other social experiences.
A Cautionary Tale in Fort Collins
[pullquote align=”center” textalign=”center” width=”100%”]Drugs can lower your inhibitions and allow you to do things you wouldn’t normally do.[/pullquote]Do we know for sure that the cause for the CSU student’s crime spree was related to his drug use? No, we don’t. But, drugs can lower your inhibitions and allow you to do things you wouldn’t normally do. Just remember, you have to live with the consequences the next day, and sometimes those consequences affect you for the rest of your life.