Sexual Assault on a Child is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a child accuses someone at least four years older than them of having sexual contact with them. These serious charges are easily charged. No physical evidence is necessary. Usually, the child making the accusations is simply believed, even if some of the details don’t make sense or add up. Often when police are investigating these cases, they will use pre-text phone calls. These calls are set up to be recorded and law enforcement are listening in. If the child is very young, they will usually have a parent or guardian call the accused. If the alleged victim is old enough, they will have them make the call. The point of these calls is to try and get the accused to make some statements. Law enforcement know that it’s unlikely the person will want to talk to them, and even if they did, it will likely be to deny the accusations. They hope to catch the person off guard and get them to apologize or admit to something if it’s coming from the accuser or someone close to the child.
Fort Collins Pre-Text Calls and Sexual Assault on a Child Lawyer: Definition of Sex Assault on a Child in Colorado
The Larimer County, Colorado law definition of Sexual Assault on a Child – C.R.S. 18-3-405 – is:
According to the law, ‘sexual contact’ means:
(b) The knowing emission or ejaculation of seminal fluid onto any body part of the victim or the clothing covering any body part of the victim; or
(c) Knowingly causing semen, blood, urine, feces, or a bodily substance to contact any body part of the victim or the clothing covering any body part of the victim if that contact with semen, blood, urine, feces, or a bodily substance is for the purpose of sexual arousal, gratification, or abuse.