Some people will go to any lengths to get what they desire. One man is the perfect example of that statement, and here’s why: He repeatedly dressed up as a woman to inconspicuously enter women’s restrooms and peep into other occupied stalls. According to the news report, the man was found out when a woman saw a bag move under the stall divider into her stall. Raising her suspicions, she tried to confront the man, but he quickly moved to another stall, next to another woman. Mall security was alerted, the man was caught, and recording instruments were found in the bag. In fact, the man had worn the exact same outfit and wig at two other locations, making it easy to charge him with two more charges of Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification, as other victims had previously come forward.
Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification in Larimer County – A Colorado Sexual Offense
The Colorado law definition of Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification – C.R.S. 18-3-405.6 – is:
A bathroom stall, much like a dressing room, a person’s home, or a changing area, would be considered a place where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy in Larimer, Boulder, and Grand County. Because the man encroached on this privacy to video record a woman’s intimate parts, he would be facing this crime.
[pullquote align=”center” textalign=”center” width=”95%”]Have you been charged with Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification? Contact the experienced attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office to defend you today![/pullquote]
Most important, this is a sexual offense, which means anyone convicted will be required to be on sex offender probation, complete sex offender treatment, and register as a sex offender for many years.
Sentence for Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification in Loveland and Estes Park
Invasion for Privacy for Sexual Gratification is a class 1 misdemeanor and is considered an extraordinary risk crime in Fort Collins, Loveland, and Estes Park. This means the maximum penalty, if convicted, is lengthened to 24 months in the Larimer County Jail.
Not only that, but under certain circumstances, this crime is actually a felony offense. If it is a second or subsequent conviction or if the person observes or takes photographs of someone under the age of 15, the Sexual Invasion of Privacy charge is a class 6 felony. According to the news report, two of the alleged victims in this man’s case were a 35-year-old woman and her 5-year-old daughter. If the man captured the intimate parts of the 5 year old, he would be facing at least one felony charge of Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification along with registering as a sex offender and completing sex offender treatment.