Harassment Lawyers in Loveland, CO
Larimer County Criminal Defense Attorneys Answer FAQs on Harassment

Got questions on Harassment, C.R.S. 18-9-111? Our top Fort Collins criminal defense lawyers have answers. If you've been charged, don't wait to call us at 970-658-0007.

Harassment, C.R.S. 18-9-111, is charged in Loveland and throughout Colorado when one person acts to harass, annoy, or alarm another person.  Some ways Harassment is charged include subjecting another person to unwanted physical contact, repeatedly contacting them, or even following another person in a public place, among other acts.  If you’ve been charged with Harassment, learn more about this criminal charge by reading the information provided by our top Larimer County criminal defense lawyers below.  Then contact us today to discuss your case and get the representation you need to protect your future.

Blog Navigation:

1. How is Harassment, C.R.S. 18-9-111, charged in Larimer County, CO?

2. When is Harassment charged as a crime of Domestic Violence in Fort Collins?

3. Could I go to the Larimer County Jail for a Harassment conviction in Berthoud?

4. What is the difference between Harassment and Assault in the Third Degree in Wellington?

5. When is Harassment charged as a bias-motivated crime in Estes Park?

6. Do I need a Loveland criminal defense lawyer for Harassment charges?

1. How is Harassment, C.R.S. 18-9-111, charged in Loveland, CO?

Harassment, C.R.S. 18-9-111, is charged in Larimer County, CO for many different reasons.  A few ways people are charged with this crime include:

  • Striking, shoving, or kicking another person, or even just touching them without their consent
  • Following another person in a public place
  • Repeatedly insulting another person or using “offensively coarse language” toward them
  • Repeatedly sending texts, sending messages on a social media platform, calling, or using another similar medium to harass another person, threaten bodily injury, or threaten property damage

2. When is Harassment charged as a crime of Domestic Violence in Fort Collins?

Harassment is charged as a crime of Domestic Violence in Fort Collins if the defendant was ever in an intimate relationship with the alleged victim.  This usually means that the defendant and victim were dating or married at one point, but this also includes parents of the same child.  Even if they had broken up or divorced before the crime took place, the two people are legally considered to be in an intimate relationship.  In other words, a person can be charged with DV Harassment if the alleged victim is a current romantic partner or an ex.

3. Could I go to the Larimer County Jail for a Harassment conviction in Berthoud?

Yes, a Harassment conviction can entail Larimer County Jail time.  Depending on the specific circumstances, you could even be sentenced to up to 364 days of jail time.  However, retaining an experienced criminal defense attorney can mean all the difference in how you are sentenced.  You could instead be sentenced to a deferred judgment and sentence, probation, or another sentencing alternative altogether.  Jail time is always a possibility, but retaining an experienced lawyer can significantly increase your chances of being given a sentencing alternative.

4. What is the difference between Harassment and Assault in the Third Degree in Wellington?

Harassment and Assault in the Third Degree, C.R.S. 18-3-204, can both be charged in Wellington for hitting or kicking another person.  The primary difference between these crimes is that Third Degree Assault is charged when the other person feels pain.  If they only feel annoyed, harassed, or alarmed, then the defendant would be charged with Harassment.  Both this instance of Harassment and 3rd Degree Assault are class 1 misdemeanors.

5. When is Harassment charged as a bias-motivated crime in Estes Park?

Harassment is charged as a bias-motivated crime in Estes Park whenever one person harasses another because that other person belongs to a protected class.  This includes harassing another person because of their race, religion, physical or mental disability, national origin, and so forth.  Harassment committed against a person belonging to a protected class is a class 1 misdemeanor.

6. Do I need a Loveland criminal defense lawyer for Harassment charges?

If you have been charged with Harassment, it is essential to contact a Loveland criminal defense lawyer to represent you.  Remember that Larimer County Jail time and fines are a possibility if you are convicted of your charges.  You need an experienced attorney to ensure that your rights are protected in court and to help you see the best possible outcome in your case.  Don’t wait: contact us, and together, we can protect your future.

If you’ve been charged with Harassment, first remember to be smart, and exercise your right to stay silent.  Then call 970-658-0007 to discuss your case with a top criminal defense lawyer from Larimer County today.  Together, we can protect your future.

The location for the Larimer County Justice Center is 201 Laporte Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado. We’ll see you there!

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