It’s VERY apparent with all the debates, political ads, and propaganda overload that election season is upon us. In fact, some of you reading this may have already voted by mailing in your ballot. But for those of you who haven’t, there is some important information you should know. With the prevalence of social media in today’s society, many people use selfies as a way of sharing their day to day life with friends and family over the internet. But according to Colorado law, your ballot is one thing that shouldn’t be shared. In Fort Collins, Loveland, Estes Park, and all across Colorado, it is a misdemeanor offense to post a selfie with your completed ballot. You may just want to show your support for a candidate or prove your patriotism, but no matter what the intentions are, resist the urge because a silly selfie could land you in the Larimer County Jail!
Larimer County Disclosing or Identifying Vote Attorney: What is the Definition of this Election Offense?
The Colorado law defines Disclosing or Identifying Vote – C.R.S. 1-13-712 – is:
(2) No person shall endeavor to induce any voter to show how he marked his ballot.
(3) No election official, watcher, or person shall reveal to any other person the name of any candidate for whom a voter has voted or communicate to another his opinion, belief, or impression as to how or for whom a voter has voted.
The statute was originally written to address issues that could occur at the polls on election day, but with the advancement of technology the statue now covers issues beyond just what could occur on voting day. This now includes selfies! Part (1) addresses the issue at hand: posting a selfie or showing anyone your completed ballot is a misdemeanor offense.
Fort Collins Disclosing or Identifying Vote Attorney: What is the Punishment for Posting a Picture of Your Ballot?
Disclosing or Identifying Vote in Larimer, Boulder, and Grand County is a misdemeanor offense. The statue outline the punishment range for this offense as:
- Up to one year in the Larimer County Jail
- Up to $1,000 in fines
Can you imagine having to go to jail for a year because you posted a selfie! Seems like a severe punishment to me!