A former Fort Collins real estate agent was found guilty of seven counts of Forgery – C.R.S. 18-5-102, and one count of Theft – C.R.S. 18-4-401. According to police reports, the man was convicted after he bilked millions of dollars from investors in a mortgage fraud scheme. Mortgage and real estate transactions create a lot of paperwork, which is easy to manipulate. Whether you have committed fraud and forgery purposefully or through neglect, it is best to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Larimer, Jackson, or Boulder County who can fight on your behalf. Let’s take a closer look at how you could be charged with forgery:
What is Larimer County Forgery?
A person can be accused of Forgery if they trick people into giving them money through the use of forged documents, whether they be stocks, bonds, money, stamps, securities, deeds, contracts, promissory notes, public records, lottery tickets, false identification, etc. (learn more about the details and intricacies of Forgery).
An Example of Forgery in Colorado
In the Fort Collins realtor’s case, he was accused of selling land he didn’t own, and was conspiring with a title company employee and real estate appraiser. Because the realtor used forged real estate documents and contracts (which included falsified appraisal values used to get loans), he was charged with Forgery. These kinds of schemes are often hard to discover, because paperwork gets lost in the system. Through the paper shuffling, the real estate agent was using some of the money from bank loans as a down payment, and some was going directly into his personal accounts.
The Sentence for Forgery in Fort Collins, Loveland, and Estes Park
Forgery is a class 5 felony in Larimer, Grand, and Gilpin County. A class 5 felony carries up to 3 years imprisonment in the Colorado Department of Corrections, and up to a $100,000 fine. If you plead guilty to, or are convicted of Forgery, you could have a difficult time finding a job, as employers may have a hard time trusting you. Don’t plead guilty to avoid jail time – contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer to defend you in court.