Possessing a controlled substance with the intent of distributing or selling the drugs is charged as Possession with Intent in Fort Collins and Larimer County. The Northern Colorado Drug Task Force recently arrested 17 people they believe were involved in a major drug operation. According to the report, drug charges weren’t the only type of cases filed, but also Money Continue Reading
Fort Collins Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney Blog
Larimer County Identity Theft Attorney Con Man Sentenced to 24 Years in Prison
Using someone else’s name to open a credit card or rack up debt is charged as Identity Theft in Fort Collins and Larimer County. A man was recently sentenced to 24 years in DOC after a string of cons on two dozen women he was dating. According to the report, the man had used websites to meet the women, lying Continue Reading
Fort Collins Criminal Conspiracy Lawyer Planning a Crime = Criminal Charges
Helping someone plan or carryout a crime, even if you didn’t actually commit the crime, is charged as Criminal Conspiracy in Fort Collins and Larimer County. A man is facing this crime, along with Attempted Murder after telling his girlfriend to kill her infant niece. According to the report, he had texted and Facebook messaged his girlfriend that she needed Continue Reading
Fort Collins Criminal Extortion Attorney Woman Claims to Be Kidnapped and Demands Ransom from Father
Tricking or forcing someone into paying money through the commission of another crime is charged as Criminal Extortion in Fort Collins and Larimer County. A woman is facing these charges after lying to her father about being kidnapped and demanding $400 in ransom. According to the report, the woman had been reported missing by her father after he received text Continue Reading
Fort Collins 2nd Degree Burglary Attorney Returning to the Scene of the Crime – More Than Once
Burglary is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person unlawfully enters or breaks into somewhere they are not authorized to be with the intent to commit another crime. Two brothers are facing Second Degree Burglary charges after breaking into a home on three separate occasions. I guess they didn’t get everything they were looking for on the Continue Reading
Fort Collins Soliciting for Prostitution Attorney Prostitution Stings: The Fort Collins Police Strike Again
Agreeing to pay money in exchange for sexual services is charged as Soliciting for Prostitution in Fort Collins and Larimer County. Every few months, we see a new story in the news about the Fort Collins Police / Larimer County Sheriff running another prostitution sting. Sometimes these stories include the names and pictures of those charged, and other times it Continue Reading
Fort Collins Escape Lawyer Man Convicted of Escape, Escapes Again?
Escape is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person flees from a lawful detainment with the intent of avoiding criminal proceedings or a sentence. A man was reported missing from the Colorado Department of Corrections after not being present for an early morning inmate count. Why was the man sentenced to prison? Well, for 2 previous Escapes. Continue Reading
Fort Collins Check Fraud Lawyer Man Uses Famous Names to Write Bad Checks
Writing a fraudulent check, whether it is under another person’s name or you know you do not have the funds to cover it, is charged as Fraud by Check in Fort Collins and Larimer County. A man is facing multiple Check Fraud charges after using famous people’s names to write bad checks. According to the report, the man had the Continue Reading
Fort Collins Public Indecency Lawyer Courthouse Sex Won’t Earn You Any Good Time
Having sex in public is charged as Public Indecency in Fort Collins and Larimer County. Honestly, there are few worse public places to get frisky than a courthouse. A man and woman were recently charged with Public Indecency for having sex in the stairwell of the courthouse. To make matters worse, the man was a current inmate assigned to clean Continue Reading
Fort Collins Violation of a Custody Order Attorney Can You Kidnap Your Own Kids?
It’s hard to imagine, but if your biological children are ordered into the care of a relative, other parent, or even outside guardianship, then it is a crime to take them from their caregivers called Violation of a Custody Order. A woman is facing this crime, plus Kidnapping and other charges, after taking her children from a relative. According to Continue Reading