Child Abuse is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person puts a child in danger of injury or neglect. A mother was recently charged with Child Abuse after her daughter was bitten in the face by the family dog. According to the report, the 8-year-old daughter required 27 stitches on her cheek, chin and near her eye. Continue Reading
Fort Collins Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney Blog
Larimer County Disorderly Conduct Attorney Brawl at Little League Baseball Game
Fighting in a public place is charged as Disorderly Conduct in Fort Collins and Larimer County. A group of adults were each recently given a summons for this crime after a brawl broke out at a little league baseball game. According to the report, 11 adults were cited for Disorderly Conduct after the parents and coaches disagreed with the 13-year-old Continue Reading
Juvenile Sex Offender Registration in Fort Collins Colorado Lawmakers Consider Law Keeping More Juveniles Off the Registry
Colorado lawmakers are discussing new provisions regarding juveniles and sex offender registration requirements. Often, I write about Colorado lawmakers moving to make things harsher and more restrictive, so it is a welcome change for me to be able to say that in this instance, they are looking to make things less restrictive for juveniles who have been adjudicated for a Continue Reading
Concurrent Sentence vs. Consecutive Sentence to the Larimer County Jail
Judges give out sentences for more than one crime in Larimer County as either Concurrent Sentences or Consecutive Sentences. A common situation in Fort Collins Courts is where someone is convicted of more than one charge, after a jury trial. Following a presentence report, the judge learns more about the case and then gives its sentence. If there is more Continue Reading
DUI Defense Attorney Near Me in Fort Collins Larimer County Creates R.A.I.D. Team to Decrease Impaired Driving
DUI or Driving Under the Influence is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of operating a motor vehicle while influenced by drugs or alcohol. Larimer County is now the hub for the first team specifically formed to catch impaired drivers. The R.A.I.D (Remove All Impaired Drivers) team will consist of officers from the Loveland Continue Reading
Fort Collins Sex Assault on a Child Lawyer Man Accused of Having Sexual Contact with 14-Year-Old
When a person is accused of having any type of sexual contact with a child who is 14 years old or younger and the person is at least 4 years older than the child, the Sex Assault on a Child is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County. A man was recently charged with this crime after he was accused Continue Reading
Indecent Exposure Attorney in Fort Collins Man Gets 12 Years in Prison for 10th Indecent Exposure Case
In Fort Collins and Larimer County, Indecent Exposure is charged when a person exposes their intimate parts with the intent to satisfy a sexual desire. A man from Colorado was recently sentenced to 12 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections after picking up his 10th Indecent Exposure case. According to the report, police took reports from nine 14 and Continue Reading
Fort Collins Theft Attorney Man Reports Theft and Gets Arrested for Solicitation
Theft is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person takes something of value from another with the intent of never giving it back. In an unfortunate situation, a man was recently the victim of Theft, and when he called the police to report the crime, he ended up getting arrested himself. According to the report, a man Continue Reading
Fort Collins Criminal Mischief Lawyer Woman Keys Tesla on Camera
Criminal Mischief is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person causes property damage to another person’s property. A woman was recently arrested and charged with felony Criminal Mischief for keying a Tesla in a school parking lot. According to the report, the car owner returned to his car after watching his daughter’s soccer game to find deep Continue Reading
Fort Collins Criminal Trespassing Attorney Two Men Charged for Trespassing Near Old Faithful
In Fort Collins and Larimer County, Criminal Trespass is charged when a person enters or remains in a place where they are not permitted to be. Two men were recently caught Trespassing in Yellowstone National Park close to Old Faithful. According to the report, the men ignored the no trespassing signs and strayed off of the designated walkway to get Continue Reading