Fort Collins Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney Blog

Larimer County Criminal Mischief Lawyer
Fort Collins Man Charged with Felony for Graffiti

Criminal Mischief is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person causes damage to someone else’s property. A Fort Collins man was recently arrested and charged with Criminal Mischief after he was seen spray painting “DEAD” on city property. The graffiti was distinctive enough to be recognized in other areas of the city as well – over 100 Continue Reading

Criminal Complicity in Fort Collins, Colorado Courts
Larimer County Criminal Defense Attorney

Crimes which attach to other crimes are known as Inchoate crimes (not complete by themselves). In Fort Collins courts, one of these is Complicity and another is Accessory.  Complicity involves conduct before a crime occurs, while Accessory is conduct after a crime occurs.  In most cases, the actual crime is completed by a separate person.  These crimes should be known Continue Reading

Fort Collins Alcohol Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor
Principal Gets Probation for Giving Minor Alcohol

In Larimer County and Fort Collins, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor is charged when a person allows or encourages a child to break a law. A Colorado assistant principal was recently sentenced to three years of probation after he was accused of giving a minor alcohol. According to the report, the principal had invited a minor (not a Continue Reading

Police Bias in Fort Collins Unlawful Sexual Contact and Sexual Assault Investigations

After 30 years as a defense attorney reading police reports and working on Fort Collins Unlawful Sexual Contact and Sexual Assault cases, I’ve seen a consistent pattern of how bias impacts Fort Collins Police investigations of sex cases. Read about common steps taken by police to investigate accusations – they still hold true. Larimer County Bias Police Investigations of Unlawful Continue Reading

Fort Collins Escorting Without a License Lawyer
What Are the Crimes Related to Escorting?

Much like with other professions, escorts and escort services must have a valid and up to date license filed with the licensing agency in order to legally practice their profession in Fort Collins, Loveland, and Estes Park. Without these licenses, penalties can be assessed if an escort or escorting agency is caught in violation. Let’s look at the requirements related Continue Reading