Prohibited Use of a Weapon and Menacing are similar guns charges in Loveland and Fort Collins. There are certain subsections that align in the elements required to charge either Prohibited Use of Weapons or Menacing. Let’s take a closer look at these two criminal charges. Larimer County Prohibited Use of Weapons Attorney: Colorado Definition of Prohibited Use of a Weapon Continue Reading
Fort Collins Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney Blog
Loveland Trespassing Lawyer Three Degrees of Trespass in Larimer County
In Loveland, Fort Collins and across Colorado, Trespassing is a commonly charged crime. There are three degrees of Trespass that can be charged – 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree Trespassing. Let’s take a look at each of the three degrees of Trespass. Fort Collins First Degree Criminal Trespass Attorney: What is 1st Degree Trespassing? In Fort Collins, the Colorado law Continue Reading
Fort Collins Public Indecency Attorney Is Public Indecency a Sex Offense in Larimer County?
Public Indecency in Fort Collins and Larimer County often involves public nudity, which usually begs the question, “Is it a sex offense?” Let’s take a closer look at the elements of this crime and find out whether a Public Indecency requires a person to register as a sex offender. Lawyer for Public Indecency Charges in Loveland: Colorado Law Definition The Continue Reading
Loveland Indecent Exposure Lawyer Naked Trespassing
Indecent Exposure is charged in Loveland and Fort Collins when a person is accused of exposing themselves for sexual gratification. A Colorado man was recently arrested and charged with both Indecent Exposure and Trespassing for his romp around a neighborhood. According to the report, the man was completely naked and trespassing at homes. Video surveillance caught many of the strange Continue Reading
Loveland Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor Attorney Woman Gives Minor Alcohol at Bar
Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor is charged in Loveland and Fort Collins when a person is accused of encouraging or allowing someone under the age of 18 to commit a crime. Often times, we see these cases stemming from providing alcohol to a minor. A woman was recently arrested and charged with this crime after a minor wound Continue Reading
Loveland DUI Defense Lawyer Woman Comes to Court Drunk for DUI Sentencing
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is charged in Loveland and Fort Collins when a person is accused of operating a vehicle while having alcohol in their system to the point it affects their ability to safely operate the vehicle. An attorney was recently sentenced on her third DUI in Colorado, but the sentencing was anything but routine. According to the Continue Reading
Fort Collins Child Abuse Lawyer Injury Vs. No Injury Makes a Difference in Charges
In Fort Collins and across Larimer County, Child Abuse can be charged for many different reasons. One major factor in how this crime is charged is the level of injury sustained. Hearing the term ‘Child Abuse,’ one could reason that an injury must occur, but that is not the case in Colorado. Things like fighting with a spouse in front Continue Reading
Fort Collins Shoplifting Theft Attorney Police Responding in Real Time
Theft is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of taking something of value that doesn’t belong to them. Shoplifting Theft refers specifically to stealing from retail stores – something that police report as being more common recently. The Theft has reportedly become more brazen as well. People are simply walking out of the store Continue Reading
Fort Collins Harassment Defense Attorney Harassment Charge for Following in Public
Harassment charges in Fort Collins and Loveland can stem from many different actions. One commonly charged action that results in a Harassment charge is following someone in public. A man was arrested for just that after a woman reported to law enforcement that he had been following her a store in a mall. He followed her out of the store Continue Reading
Loveland False Imprisonment Defense Attorney What Does it Mean to Illegally Confine or Detain Someone in Colorado?
In Loveland and Fort Collins, False Imprisonment is charged when a person is accused of illegally keeping someone from leaving an area. This is an easily charged Domestic Violence crime. We often have clients who are in the midst of an argument with a girlfriend or boyfriend and they simply block a doorway in an attempt to continue the conversation. Continue Reading