Fort Collins Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney Blog

Loveland Prohibited Use of a Weapon Lawyer
What is the Difference Between Prohibited Use of Weapons and Menacing?

Prohibited Use of a Weapon and Menacing are similar guns charges in Loveland and Fort Collins. There are certain subsections that align in the elements required to charge either Prohibited Use of Weapons or Menacing. Let’s take a closer look at these two criminal charges. Larimer County Prohibited Use of Weapons Attorney: Colorado Definition of Prohibited Use of a Weapon Continue Reading

Fort Collins Public Indecency Attorney
Is Public Indecency a Sex Offense in Larimer County?

Public Indecency in Fort Collins and Larimer County often involves public nudity, which usually begs the question, “Is it a sex offense?” Let’s take a closer look at the elements of this crime and find out whether a Public Indecency requires a person to register as a sex offender.  Lawyer for Public Indecency Charges in Loveland: Colorado Law Definition The Continue Reading

Loveland Indecent Exposure Lawyer
Naked Trespassing

Indecent Exposure is charged in Loveland and Fort Collins when a person is accused of exposing themselves for sexual gratification. A Colorado man was recently arrested and charged with both Indecent Exposure and Trespassing for his romp around a neighborhood. According to the report, the man was completely naked and trespassing at homes. Video surveillance caught many of the strange Continue Reading

Loveland False Imprisonment Defense Attorney
What Does it Mean to Illegally Confine or Detain Someone in Colorado?

In Loveland and Fort Collins, False Imprisonment is charged when a person is accused of illegally keeping someone from leaving an area. This is an easily charged Domestic Violence crime. We often have clients who are in the midst of an argument with a girlfriend or boyfriend and they simply block a doorway in an attempt to continue the conversation. Continue Reading