When a person is arrested a crime in Fort Collins / Larimer County and it is considered an act of Domestic Violence, a mandatory protection order must be put in place before the person can be released from custody. It doesn’t matter what the allegation is. It could be something as serious as an Assault resulting in serious bodily injury Continue Reading
Fort Collins Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney Blog
Larimer County Criminal Mischief Attorney Can Propaganda Stickers Cause Property Damage?
In Fort Collins and Larimer County, Criminal Mischief is charged when a person causes damage to another person’s property. Recently, white supremacist propaganda stickers have been found all over a well-known Denver park along with other public places in Colorado. People have been removing the stickers and it’s come into question as to whether criminal charges could be filed against Continue Reading
Prohibited Use of a Weapon in Fort Collins Juvenile Charged for Shooting at Skatepark
Prohibited Use of a Weapon is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person recklessly discharges a firearm or knowingly points a firearm at someone. A juvenile was recently charged with this crime after it was reported that they were firing gunshots in the air. According to the report, police started getting calls about gunshots at a skatepark. Continue Reading
Larimer County Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor Attorney Mom Charged After High-Speed Chase
Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person encourages or aids a child in violating any law. A mother was recently arrested and is facing these charges after she tried to help her son and his friend evade police by engaging in a high-speed chase. According to the report, the Continue Reading
Fort Collins Juvenile Crimes Attorney | What If My Child is Charged in Juvenile Court?
It’s always a good idea to hold a child accountable for their actions. It teaches them to be responsible adults. However, when the consequences of those actions involve the judicial system, sometimes the punishment can be far beyond what we, as parents, feel is fair. Sometimes the consequences laid out by the Colorado Children’s Code involve a permanent juvenile record Continue Reading
How is Parole Different than Probation in Fort Collins / Larimer County?
Larimer County Probation and Parole are very different in Fort Collins, Colorado Courts. Parole only happens following a prison or DOC sentence. It is a type of supervision after someone gets out of prison, to help in the transition to normal life. Social and job hunting skills can be lost in the regimented prison life. Probation is the sentence itself, Continue Reading
Unlawful Sexual Contact Charges in Larimer County | Fort Collins, Colorado
Our culture sends wildly mixed messages: The entertainment and music industries are constantly sending an overly sexualized message. You can’t go to the grocery store or listen to the radio without seeing a risqué magazine cover or hearing an overtly sexual song. At the same time, the government in Colorado treats sex crimes much harsher than other offenses – with Continue Reading
Sexual Exploitation of a Child: District Attorneys Hold All the Cards in Larimer County
Sex offenses in Larimer and Boulder County can be difficult to understand. Colorado law is often complex and confusing when it comes to sexual crimes. We are often asked to explain the intricacies and details of many different offenses in Fort Collins, Loveland, and Estes Park. Today, I’ll discuss the crime of Sexual Exploitation of a Child, and what it Continue Reading
Charged with Public Indecency The Hidden Danger in Fort Collins, CO
Did you know a prank could end with your arrest? Teenage pranks such as mooning or flashing someone could result in being charged with Public Indecency in Larimer, Jackson and Boulder County. This crime is a petty offense, but it carries a hidden danger: if a person is convicted of Public Indecency twice, they will be treated the same as Continue Reading
Fort Collins Rape Shield Law for Sexual Assault Charges – Larimer County Defense Attorney
In Larimer, Boulder, and Grand County, we see many Sexual Assault cases. Accusations are made by teenagers and young women saying that sexual contact occurred and it was not consensual. Unfortunately, whether the sex was consensual or not doesn’t seem to matter. If the accuser is a teenager, the boyfriend can be charged with Sexual Assault if he is four Continue Reading