Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of viewing another’s intimate parts without their consent. Two very common actions that we relate to this crime is taking upskirt photos and being a Peeping Tom. Surveillance camera recently caught a man on video in Greeley looking into the windows Continue Reading
Fort Collins Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney Blog
Larimer County Prohibited Use of a Weapon Lawyer Multiple Charges for Prohibited Use of Weapons
Prohibited Use of Weapons is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County for various reason ranging from handling a gun while drunk and discharging a firearm. A Boulder man recently was arrested for multiple charges of this crime after he was accused of shooting an AK-47 into the air. According to the news report, this is something that he occasionally Continue Reading
Fort Collins Public Indecency Attorney Being a Nudist Doesn’t Get You Off the Hook
Public Indecency is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of exposing themselves with other people around and upsetting those people with the exposure. A man was recently found guilty at trial of Public Indecency for walking around in the nude. What was his defense? Well, he claimed to be a nudist. Unfortunately for him, Continue Reading
Fort Collins Unlawful Storage of a Firearm Defense Attorney When a Juvenile Possesses Your Gun, You Can Face Charges
When a juvenile is charged with a weapons crime in Fort Collins and Larimer County, everyone investigating and involved in the incident always want to know where the weapon came from. Often, kids get these weapons from their own home. When that’s the case, the parents are looked into regarding their storage of the weapon – and sometimes the result Continue Reading
Larimer County Domestic Violence Defense Attorney Holiday Stress = Increase in Domestic Violence Cases?
Domestic Violence is a sentence enhancer that can be attached to any underlying crime when the two parties involved are or have been in an intimate relationship. This can apply to a low level misdemeanor, like Harassment or a high level felony, like First Degree Assault. While many think of the holidays as a time of family and fun, for Continue Reading
Larimer County Unlawful Sexual Contact Lawyer Tailor Charged for Inappropriate Touching
Unlawful Sexual Contact is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of having sexual contact with someone without their consent. A Colorado tailor was recently charged with this crime after two people reported inappropriate touching while having their clothes fitted. According to the report, the incidents occurred months apart, one with a woman in January Continue Reading
Fort Collins Child Sex Exploitation Lawyer Teacher Charged with Child Pornography Crimes
Sexual Exploitation of a Child is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is involved with child pornography. This criminal charge can range from simple possession of pornographic images to creating the images or allowing a child to be used for creating these images. A Colorado middle school teacher was recently arrested and charged with this crime. Continue Reading
Sexual Assault Attorney in Fort Collins Judge Rejects Plea Agreement in Sexual Assault Case
Sexual Assault can be charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County for many different scenarios. One of those scenarios is having inappropriate contact during a medical treatment or examination. That’s exactly what an acupuncturist was accused of recently in Larimer County. However, the allegations must be hard to prove, because the DA ended up offering a plea to Unauthorized Practice Continue Reading
Fort Collins Third Degree Assault Attorney Woman Assaulted During Carjacking
In Fort Collins and Larimer County, Assault in the Third Degree is charged when a person causes bodily injury to another. Recently, a woman was assaulted during a carjacking in Colorado. According to the report, three men approached the woman while she was in her car with her baby. She was pushed out of her car and the vehicle was Continue Reading
Menacing Defense Lawyer in Larimer County Only a Judge Gets Protection from Airing His Dirty Laundry
Menacing is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of putting another in fear of serious bodily injury. With the instantaneous access we have to news stories, we live in a time where anyone accused of anything can be blasted out to the world. Because of this, most people are assumed to be guilty in Continue Reading