Fort Collins Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney Blog

Loveland Prohibited Use of a Weapon Lawyer
Alcohol and Guns Can Mean Criminal Charges

Prohibited Use of a Weapon is charged in Loveland and Fort Collins for various reasons, one of which includes possessing a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This can be the result of an investigation regarding an accidental discharge, where law enforcement sees an open container of alcohol or smells alcohol on someone’s breath while questioning the Continue Reading

New Law Regarding Firearm Storage in a Vehicle
A Fort Collins Criminal Attorney Explains What You Should Know!

There are many different crimes related to Firearms and Weapons in Fort Collins, Colorado. Beginning January 1, 2025 a new law went into effective regarding storing a firearm in a vehicle. Let’s take a closer look. Loveland Secure Firearm Storage in Vehicle Violation Attorney: How is this New Crime Charged? The Loveland, Colorado law definition of Secure Firearm Storage in Continue Reading

Fort Collins Public Indecency Lawyer
FAQs Regarding Public Indecency Charges in Larimer County

Public Indecency is a crime charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County relating to exposing oneself in view of the public. Let’s answer some commonly asked questions regarding Public Indecency. What is a Larimer County Public Indecency Charge? The Larimer County, Colorado law definition of Public Indecency – C.R.S. 18-7-301 – is: An act that meets the criteria of any Continue Reading