Addiction to illegal substances is often the reason why people commit crimes in Larimer County. Recently, a news source reported that a police officer shot a burglary suspect. According to reports, a woman called 911 because there was a man with a knife who was trying to get into her house. When police arrived, they told the man to drop the knife. Instead, the man moved towards the police officer, who then shot him. Witness reported that the man was acting like he was on drugs. If what the news reported is true, the man would most likely be charged with Attempted Burglary. But, because of the circumstances, he would also be charged with Menacing – C.R.S. 18-3-206, and the very serious offense of Assault on a Police Officer – C.R.S. 18-3-202.
Our Job: To Defend and Give People a Second Chance after Addiction
Our job is to defend people who are charged with crimes in Fort Collins, Loveland, Estes Park and throughout Larimer County, like the alleged burglar. While he may or may not be guilty, it is our job to get him the legal and addiction help he needs. Overzealous prosecutors often charge people with more serious crimes in order get a notch in their belts, when instead they need to be focusing on the crime which actually occurred, and getting offenders in treatment. People will reoffend if the root of their problems is not treated. The alleged burglar obviously has a drug problem. It is our goal to help people like him get the help they need for recovery from their addiction.
The Judge Needs to See the Real You, Beyond Addiction
Desperate people commit desperate acts. Sometimes, people do crazy things to get drugs, alcohol, or to feed another addiction. It is our job to present the whole story in court, so that you can have a second chance. Your future is at stake in a criminal case – you could lose your job, family, and freedoms because of a criminal conviction. Don’t stand alone in court. Contact an experienced attorney to be your advocate and present your whole story to the judge and Larimer County District Attorney.