I don’t know if we in Larimer County have just become to reliant on spell check, or if a mistake was just made in the passion of the moment, but misspelling an insult truly does take the sting out of it for your target. For example, a woman was recently arrested for Criminal Mischief after vandalizing the cars of her boyfriend and friend, whom she thought to be having an affair. According to the news report, she slashed the tires and keyed both the cars, going as far as scratching the word ‘wore’ on the woman’s vehicle. Through amazing detective work, police assumed the accused meant to put an ‘h’ in the word and therefore decided on the motive for the crime. The woman was charged with two counts of Criminal Mischief.
What is Criminal Mischief in Larimer County?
The Colorado definition of Criminal Mischief – C.R.S. 18-4-501 – is:
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Because the woman is accused of causing damage to both her boyfriend and her friend’s car, she would be charged with this crime. Criminal Mischief can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony in Larimer, Boulder, or Grand County, based on the amount of damage caused:
Class of Crime | Aggregate Damage of Property Harmed |
Class 3 Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief | Less than $300 |
Class 2 Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief | $300 to $749 |
Class 1 Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief | $750 to $999 |
Class 6 Felony Criminal Mischief | $1,000 to $4,999 |
Class 5 Felony Criminal Mischief | $5,000 to $19,999 |
Class 4 Felony Criminal Mischief | $20,000 to $99,999 |
Class 3 Felony Criminal Mischief | $100,000 to $999,999 |
Class 2 Felony Criminal Mischief | $1,000,000 or more |
The news story did not contain the aggregate damage the woman allegedly caused, but knowing the ridiculous cost of tires and bodywork for vehicles, I’m assuming she will be facing felony level charges. Of course, this increases the likelihood she may be spending some time in the Larimer County Jail.