The weather is warming here in Larimer, Jackson, and Boulder County. More people are going on hikes, lounging in the park, running, playing tennis, and enjoying the beautiful of Colorado after the long winter months. Unfortunately, warmer weather is a signal to Loveland, Estes Park, and Fort Collins police. They know people are outside, and they know crimes like Criminal Mischief – C.R.S. 18-4-501 are easily charged. Let’s take a look at the elements of this offense, and how easy it is to be charged:
What is Criminal Mischief?
A person will be accused of Criminal Mischief if they knowingly damage the property of another person. Whether a home was damaged after a group of kids decided to throw rocks as they sped by in cars, or whether an adult drank a little bit too much and decided it was a good idea to tamper with a fire alarm in a home to scare his friends, Criminal Mischief is charged often in the summer. This is because everyone is out having a good time. Pranks can turn sour quickly – spray painting private property, for example, can lead to accusations of Criminal Mischief.
[pullquote align=”center” textalign=”center” width=”60%”]Pranks can turn sour quickly – you could end up with Criminal Mischief charges. [/pullquote]Criminal Mischief Charges Add up Quickly
Unfortunately, many people don’t understand how easy it is for the charges to stack up with Criminal Mischief. When the damage done to another person’s property is under $500, a person will be charged with a class 2 misdemeanor. As the damage amount increases, so does the level of severity. When the cops are dealing with Criminal Mischief charges they will look at each instance where damage was done and add up the dollar amount – which adds up quickly. For example, let’s say the Wellington police are called to a home after reports of vandalism. They find a fence, a concrete slab, and a wall on a home have been spray painted with graffiti. The cost to repaint the fence is $90, the concrete slab must be re-poured, which will cost $450, and the side of the house must get a new coat of paint, which is $750. When all those repairs are added up, they equal $1290. The person who painted the graffiti as the result of a dare will be charged with a class 4 felony because the damage exceeds $1,000 or more.
Why You Need an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney for Criminal Mischief Charges
Don’t let the results of a prank or a dare ruin you or your child’s future. Criminal Mischief charges must be fought in court. You don’t want a misdemeanor or felony on your record. It can be difficult to get a job or find housing with a criminal record. If you have been accused of Criminal Mischief, contact an attorney immediately to begin working on your defense. You need an advocate in court to defend your future and freedom.