Larimer County Sex Offender Registration Attorney
How COVID-19 Has Changed Registration Procedures

It seems that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of daily life – including procedures for sex offenders regarding registering with the Larimer County Sheriff. Previously, when someone convicted of a sex offense was supposed to register, all they had to do was go to the sheriff’s office and turn in the paperwork. There were no restrictions on when Continue Reading

Fort Collins Felony Menacing Attorney | High School Hazing Ends in Felony Charges

Two Evergreen football players were suspended from school after being investigated for taking their bullying too far and crossing the line into criminal behavior. The 16-year-old student is facing potential Felony Menacing charges after threatening four classmates several times, at least one time using a piece of broken glass. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office is recommending Harassment charges for the Continue Reading