Best Fort Collins Unlawful Sexual Contact Lawyers
When is Unlawful Sexual Contact Charged as a Crime of Violence?

Unlawful Sexual Contact, C.R.S. 18-3-404, is sometimes charged as a class 4 felony and Crime of Violence at the Larimer County Courts in Fort Collins.  Usually, this sex offense is charged as a class 1 misdemeanor.  However, if the defendant allegedly used force, threats, or intimidation to force the victim to submit to the contact, it is instead charged as Continue Reading

Unlawful Sexual Contact Lawyer in Fort Collins, CO
How is Unlawful Sexual Contact Charged at the Larimer County Courts?

Unlawful Sexual Contact, C.R.S. 18-3-404, is charged in Fort Collins, CO when a person sexually touches another without the latter person’s consent.  Often, we see this crime charged whenever two people consume a bit too much alcohol, making it easy to get a bit too “handsy” with each other.  One person then has trouble remembering what happened the next day Continue Reading

Unlawful Sexual Contact Charges at the Larimer County Courts
Top Fort Collins Criminal Defense Lawyer for a False Accusation

If you have been falsely accused of Unlawful Sexual Contact, you need to contact a top Fort Collins criminal defense lawyer to represent you at the Larimer County Courts.  Unfortunately, false allegations are not unheard of in Larimer County – especially when alcohol is involved.  On the contrary, they happen often, and they threaten innocent people’s lives all the time.  Continue Reading

Unlawful Sexual Contact in Colorado Frequently Asked Questions
Fort Collins Unlawful Sexual Contact Attorney Answers

Here are some frequently asked about Unlawful Sexual Contact charges and cases in Fort Collins, Loveland and Estes Park. What is Unlawful Sexual Contact in Larimer County, Colorado? The Larimer County, Colorado law definition of Unlawful Sexual Contact – C.R.S. 18-3-404 – is: What is Considered Sexual Contact in Colorado? In order to understand this statute, there are some important Continue Reading

Fort Collins Unlawful Sexual Contact Attorney
Unlawful Sexual Conduct by a Peace Officer

Unlawful Sexual Contact is charged in Fort Collins, Loveland, Estes Park and across Larimer County when a person is accused of touching a person’s intimate parts without their consent. Just like with a Sexual Assault charge, Colorado lawmakers have a specific Unlawful Sexual Contact crime when law enforcement is involved – Unlawful Sexual Conduct by a Peace Officer. A Cripple Continue Reading

Felony Unlawful Sexual Contact Lawyer in Larimer County
Officer Accused of Inappropriate Contact and Retaliation

In Fort Collins and Larimer County, Unlawful Sexual Contact is charged when a person is accused of having sexual contact with someone without their consent. A police officer is facing multiple counts of this crime and also a Retaliation Against a Witness charge after he was investigated for inappropriate conduct. According to the report, a fellow officer reported that he Continue Reading

Fort Collins Unlawful Sexual Contact Attorney
With Unlawful Sexual Contact – Intent is Key

Navigate this blog: Case example Definition of Unlawful Sexual Contact A Closer Look at Sexual Contact Meaning Unlawful Sexual Contact is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of touching someone’s intimate parts without consent. Recently, a juvenile who had been convicted of Unlawful Sexual Contact, was exonerated of his charge after it was reviewed Continue Reading

Felony Unlawful Sexual Contact Attorney
When Is Unlawful Sexual Contact a Felony?

Unlawful Sexual Contact is one of the few sex offenses in Fort Collins and Larimer County that is charged as a misdemeanor. However, there are certain circumstances that allow for the Unlawful Sexual Contact charge to be a felony. A Colorado Springs man was recently arrested and charged with three felony counts of Unlawful Sexual Contact. According to the report, Continue Reading

Larimer County Unlawful Sexual Contact Lawyer
Tailor Charged for Inappropriate Touching

Unlawful Sexual Contact is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of having sexual contact with someone without their consent. A Colorado tailor was recently charged with this crime after two people reported inappropriate touching while having their clothes fitted. According to the report, the incidents occurred months apart, one with a woman in January Continue Reading