The crime of Robbery in Fort Collins, Loveland, and Estes Park is aggravated when a deadly weapon, like a gun, is involved. Two men recently attempted to commit Aggravated Robbery of a bar, only it was filled with off-duty police officers celebrating the retirement of a fellow officer. The two were able to get away with some cash after pointing Continue Reading
Category: robbery
Fort Collins Aggravated Robbery of a Controlled Substance Lawyer | Robbery of a Pharmacy
I have written many a blog about Robbery and Aggravated Robbery cases in Fort Collins and all across Colorado. But, when I saw the news headlines about a man robbing a pharmacy, it gave me the perfect opportunity to discuss an even more aggravated type of Robbery – Aggravated Robbery of a Controlled Substance. In the news story, the man Continue Reading
Fort Collins Aggravated Robbery Attorney | Not the Date You Were Hoping For
It’s not easy to put yourself out there in the dating world. That’s why so many have chosen online dating. It’s a way to make it known you are available, without the worry about face to face rejection. However, much like anything with the potential for good, it also has an equal potential for misuse. That is precisely what happened Continue Reading
Fort Collins Robbery Lawyer | When Shoplifting Theft Becomes Robbery Across Larimer County
There are three Colorado crimes that deal with taking something of value from another person: Robbery, Burglary and Theft. While each have their own individual aspects that separate them from the other, they are related in one big way. Lines between them can easily be crossed and a lesser offense can turn more serious quickly. For example, taking items from Continue Reading
Aggravated Robbery in Fort Collins | Not the Way You Expect a Date to End
When a 45-year-old man met up for a date with an 18-year-old girl he met through a dating app, he probably had high hopes about the interaction. When the date progressed to his room at a local Fort Collins hotel, I’m sure the plans he had were very different from the woman’s. She purposely left the door open and texted Continue Reading
Robbery in Fort Collins | Facebook Points the Way to Another Arrest
Another arrest can be accredited to Facebook after a couple who allegedly robbed a bank, posted photos of themselves with giant wads of cash. The man, who is currently on parole after serving a prison sentence for Robbery a few years ago, applied make-up to his face to hide his tattoos and walked into the bank wearing a black hoodie. Continue Reading
Robbery in Fort Collins | A Lemonade Stand Takes a Hit
When considering Robbery, there are certain places that are more commonly robbed than others. Places like banks, convenience stores, and ATMs fall high on the list of commonly robbed locations. One place that is not usually on this list is a lemonade stand. However, an 18-year-old male must have thought it would be a good target. He approached the two Continue Reading
When Committing a Robbery, Don’t Let the Door Hit You On the Way Out
When a 77-year-old woman entered into an elevator, she probably thought it would be a normal ride to her floor. However, a large man followed her in and took out a knife. He put his finger to his mouth to shush her and demanded she hand over her purse. She obeyed and as the man turned to leave, he ran Continue Reading
A Very Poorly Planned Robbery | Resisting Arrest in Fort Collins
When a drunk man got into a taxi and asked the driver to take him to a bank, I’m pretty sure this cab driver had no idea what he was getting himself into. When they pulled up to the bank, the man told the cab driver he would take care of the $25.50 bill when he was done in the Continue Reading
When You Can’t Get a Refund, Take It! | Robbery in Fort Collins
While most know fast food restaurants don’t always provide the highest quality cuisine, people still go there because it is quick and cheap. However, when one Colorado Springs man decided his meal was not up to par, he threw the bags of food at the employees and demanded his money back. While the manager was processing the man’s refund, he Continue Reading