Resisting Arrest Attorney in Fort Collins
FAQs About Resisting Arrest in Colorado

Let’s look at some frequently asked questions regarding Resisting Arrest charges in Fort Collins, Loveland and across Larimer County. How Serious is Resisting Arrest in Loveland? While all criminal charges should be taken seriously, we generally rate the seriousness based on the charge level. Felonies are more serious than misdemeanors. A class 1 misdemeanor is more serious than a class Continue Reading

Resisting Arrest Charges in Fort Collins
An Easily Charged Crime in Loveland

Resisting Arrest is a very easily charged crime in Fort Collins and Loveland, Colorado. Seriously, look at the Larimer County booking reports and you will usually see this crime charged at least once a day. That’s usually because if you don’t completely agree with what the officer’s are doing, you will face Resisting Arrest charges. Let’s take a closer look Continue Reading

Resisting Arrest Lawyer in Larimer County, Colorado
Greeley Man Charged After Ramming Vehicle into Sheriff’s Car

Resisting Arrest, C.R.S. 18-8-103, is charged in Larimer County, Colorado for using or threatening force, or using another means altogether, to try to prevent your own or another person’s arrest.  A Greeley man was charged with Resisting Arrest, Assault in the First Degree, and felony Criminal Mischief recently when he rammed his vehicle into a sheriff’s patrol car.  Police were Continue Reading

Top Resisting Arrest Lawyer in Fort Collins, Colorado
What is the Difference Between Resisting Arrest and Obstruction?

Resisting Arrest, C.R.S. 18-8-103, is charged in Fort Collins and throughout Colorado when a person uses or threatens physical force to prevent a police officer from effecting an arrest.  As a police-involved crime, this offense is often charged alongside Obstructing a Peace Officer, C.R.S. 18-8-104.  Such was the case with a Colorado Springs man named John Ballinger, who was charged Continue Reading

Resisting Arrest Defense Lawyer in Larimer County, Colorado
What is Resisting Arrest Against Fort Collins Police?

Have you been charged with Resisting Arrest in Larimer County, Colorado?  If so, you will need a top criminal defense lawyer to represent you at the Larimer County Courts.  Resisting Arrest is charged any time a person threatens or uses physical force against a Fort Collins Police Officer for making an arrest.  Unfortunately, some people retaliate when they see an Continue Reading

Resisting Arrest Lawyer in Fort Collins
Blind Man Charged with Resisting Arrest

Resisting Arrest is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of trying to keep officers from arresting them. In Colorado, you can only be charged with Resisting Arrest if Fort Collins Police or Larimer County Sheriff have probable cause to arrest you FOR A DIFFERENT CRIME. You can’t solely be charged with Resisting Arrest, because Continue Reading

Resisting Arrest Defense Attorney in Fort Collins
When the Fake Cop Responds to Call and Then Runs

Resisting Arrest is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of doing something to keep an officer from arresting them. Obviously, you have to have done something first that justifies an arrest before you can resist it. In today’s interesting news story, a man was apparently Impersonating a Peace Officer after stealing a cop car Continue Reading