Fort Collins Escape Attorney | Wait…Where Did He Go?

You would think that putting someone in handcuffs and into the Fort Collins police or Larimer County Sheriff vehicle, the hard part would be over. But, today’s blog proves that’s not true. According to the news report, the Larimer County Sheriff deputies had arrested a gentleman on an outstanding warrant for a felony drug charge. He was handcuffed and put Continue Reading

Fort Collins Second Degree Assault and Resisting Arrest Attorney | Punching a Police Officer is Not a Good Idea

Some people never learn, fighting back tends to make things worse. That is definitely the case for one Fort Collins man. He was pulled over by a Larimer County Sheriff Deputy and during the stop, his car was searched. Apparently, there was illegal narcotics in his possession. That’s when things went wrong. When the deputy attempted to arrest the man, Continue Reading

Fake Cop Uses His ‘Credentials’ to Commit a Theft | Impersonating a Police Officer

When a man approached a gas station clerk working the cash register and identified himself as an undercover police officer, his claim was not initially believed. However, when he removed his jacket to reveal a bulletproof vest and provided the clerk an Aurora Police Department business card, the clerk was convinced. That is when this fake police officer made his Continue Reading