Resisting Arrest Defense Attorney in Fort Collins
When the Fake Cop Responds to Call and Then Runs

Resisting Arrest is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of doing something to keep an officer from arresting them. Obviously, you have to have done something first that justifies an arrest before you can resist it. In today’s interesting news story, a man was apparently Impersonating a Peace Officer after stealing a cop car Continue Reading

Obstructing a Peace Officer in Fort Collins
County Clerk Charged for Interfering with Search Warrant

Obstructing a Peace Officer is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of physically attempting to stop an officer from doing their job. A Colorado county clerk, who has been making headlines for her alleged illegal actions was arrested and charged again for interfering in an investigation. According to the report, the clerk physically tried Continue Reading

Resisting Arrest Charges in Fort Collins, Colorado

Resisting Arrest charges are common in Fort Collins and Larimer County. This is because the definitions in the law are vague, which leaves a lot of room for unlawful arrests. Undeserving people are often charged with Resisting Arrest. Let’s look closer at the statute to determine how a person could be accused of this criminal offense. Resisting Arrest – C.R.S. Continue Reading

False Reporting of Identifying Information Vs. Attempt to Influence a Public Servant in Fort Collins: New Clarification in the Law

Often, Colorado laws are vague to allow for some interpretation when the Larimer County DA or Fort Collins Police are determining charges. This was something we saw a lot when it came to False Reporting and Attempt to Influence a Public Servant. There are VERY specific subsection that address providing false information to a law enforcement officer in the False Continue Reading

Fort Collins Resisting Arrest Attorney
Serial Resisting Arrest Offender Sent to Prison

Resisting Arrest is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of trying to keep a police officer from arresting them. A serial Resisting Arrest offender was recently involved in another kerfuffle with cops and it resulted in a prison sentence! According to the report, the man was known for not being cooperative when it came Continue Reading

Resisting Arrest Attorney in Fort Collins
Traffic Ticket Turns into Misdemeanor Resisting Arrest

Resisting Arrest is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of not complying with lawful orders while being arrested. A teenager was recently charged with this crime after he was not cooperative during a traffic stop. According to the report, a Greeley police officer saw the teen run a stop sign. He decided to pull Continue Reading

Fort Collins Obstructing a Peace Officer Attorney
Deaf Man Arrested and Charged with Assault, Resisting and Obstructing – the Police Trifecta

Obstructing a Peace Office, Resisting Arrest, and Assault on a Police Officer is a trifecta the police love charging in Fort Collins and Larimer County. No one knows this better than a deaf man who was arrested a tased while being taken into custody, all because he wasn’t responding the way the officers wanted. News flash – he wasn’t responding Continue Reading