Top Fort Collins Criminal Defense Lawyers Discuss How to Protect Your Future
Why Finding a Job After Being Charged with a Crime is Vital

If you have been charged with a crime, one of your first steps should be to hire a top Fort Collins criminal defense lawyer to represent you at the Larimer County Courts.  However, we also frequently tell our clients that it is vital that they find a job if they are not already employed.  This is not only for the Continue Reading

Self-Defense at the Larimer County Courts
When Self-Defense is Justified Against Attempted Assault and Other Violent Crimes in Fort Collins

It is critical to understand when you are justified to use self-defense in Colorado.  At the Larimer County Courts, it is usually a crime to use physical force against another person.  If you do, you could be charged with Assault.  However, Colorado law permits you to use physical force to defend yourself or another person if you are attacked.  If Continue Reading

Fort Collins Affordable Defense Attorney
The Difference Between and Affordable Lawyer and a Cheap Lawyer

When facing criminal charges, there is so much at stake: your life, your job, your house, and your relationships.  Choosing an attorney to help you navigate through the process and protect you is vital for anyone in these situations. So it makes me wonder why someone would choose to hire a criminal defense attorney based on price alone.  The saying Continue Reading

Fifth Amendment Right to Remain Silent | Privilege Against Self Incrimination in Larimer County Courts

Thankfully, an inherent right given to you through the Constitution is your right to remain silent if what you have to say may lead to legal consequences. This 5th Amendment right protects you from having to admit to anything that could result in criminal charges against you. Imagine if we did not have this permission – you could actually be Continue Reading

Will I Face Prison Time with My Felony Criminal Conviction Sentence in Fort Collins?

When a person is convicted of or pleads guilty to a crime, a judge must decide an appropriate punishment. Judges can sentence a person to probation, community corrections, jail or prison time depending on the circumstances. Sometimes with certain crimes and situations, the law requires a period of incarceration. Let’s take a closer look at the prison incarceration sentencing ranges. Continue Reading