Top Menacing Lawyer in Larimer County, CO
Longmont Man Convicted of Menacing + Domestic Violence After Stabbing Another Man

Menacing, C.R.S. 18-3-206, is charged in Larimer County, CO when one person makes another fear that they will imminently be seriously injured.  Recently, a Longmont man was convicted of Menacing as a crime of Domestic Violence after stabbing another man’s hand.  The first man, who was reportedly diagnosed with schizophrenia, had entered his ex-girlfriend’s house, where he found her sleeping Continue Reading

Top Menacing + Prohibited Use of Weapons Lawyer in Fort Collins
Menacing and Prohibited Use: The Perfect Pair

Prohibited Use of Weapons and Menacing are two offenses that are frequently charged together in Fort Collins.  When one person points a gun at another, they will most likely be charged with both crimes.  This is because Prohibited Use can be charged for unlawfully aiming a firearm at another person, and Menacing is charged for placing another in fear of Continue Reading

Top Menacing and Harassment Lawyer in Larimer County
How Road Rage Incidents Quickly Turn into Criminal Charges in Fort Collins

Menacing and Harassment are often charged together in Larimer County during road rage incidents.  Often, what happens is that one driver experiencing road rage will confront the other over their perceived poor driving ability.  That confrontation alone can result in Harassment charges, as Harassment is charged for publicly directing obscene language at another or following another in a public place.  Continue Reading