Larimer County Harassment Lawyer
Physical Contact Harassment or Assault – What’s the Difference?

In Fort Collins and Larimer County, one subsection of Harassment is related to having unwanted physical contact. Specifically – striking someone, shoving someone, or kicking someone may get you charged with Harassment. But, those actions sound an awful lot like Assault, don’t you think? So, what’s the difference between the physical contact Harassment and an Assault charge? Let’s find out! Continue Reading

Harassment Lawyers in Fort Collins, CO
What’s the Difference Between Stalking, C.R.S. 18-3-602 and Harassment, C.R.S. 18-9-111?

Harassment, C.R.S. 18-9-111, and Stalking, C.R.S. 18-3-602, can both be charged in Fort Collins for following another person.  Even so, these offenses are overall different from each other – so much so that Harassment is a misdemeanor, while Stalking is a felony and Extraordinary Risk crime.  If you’ve been charged with either offense, it is critical that you act fast Continue Reading

Harassment Lawyers in Loveland, CO
Charged with Harassment After a Road Rage Incident in Larimer County?

Harassment, C.R.S. 18-9-111, is often charged after road rage incidents in Loveland and throughout Larimer County, Colorado.  While Colorado is seeing an uptick in Menacing, Assault, and other violent crimes related to road rage, most people wouldn’t dream of actually hurting another driver.  They usually just want to vent some frustration.  What these people often don’t know is that this Continue Reading

Harassment Lawyers in Loveland, CO
Larimer County Criminal Defense Attorneys Answer FAQs on Harassment

Harassment, C.R.S. 18-9-111, is charged in Loveland and throughout Colorado when one person acts to harass, annoy, or alarm another person.  Some ways Harassment is charged include subjecting another person to unwanted physical contact, repeatedly contacting them, or even following another person in a public place, among other acts.  If you’ve been charged with Harassment, learn more about this criminal Continue Reading

Best Fort Collins Harassment Lawyers
Verbal Harassment Charges at the Larimer County Courts

Harassment, C.R.S. 18-9-111 (1)(b) and (1)(h), is often charged at the Larimer County Courts in Fort Collins, CO for directing obscene language or gestures at another person in public.  It is important to recognize that in Colorado, swearing at another person in public or repeatedly insulting them are not protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  This is Continue Reading

Best Domestic Violence Harassment Lawyer in Fort Collins, CO
How is Harassment Charged as a DV Crime in Larimer County?

Harassment, C.R.S. 18-9-111, is frequently charged as a crime of Domestic Violence in Fort Collins, CO.  DV is added as a sentence enhancer to Harassment when the accused was in an intimate relationship with the alleged victim at any point when the crime took place.  Our top criminal defense lawyers with over 30 years of experience usually see this happen Continue Reading