Larimer County False Imprisonment Lawyer
FAQs about Colorado False Imprisonment Charges

False Imprisonment is charged in Fort Collins, Loveland, and across Larimer County when a person is accused of confining another without consent. Let’s answer some frequently asked questions regarding False Imprisonment charges in Colorado How Do You Get Charged with False Imprisonment in Loveland? The Loveland, Colorado law definition of False Imprisonment – C.R.S. 18-3-303 – is: This can be Continue Reading

Loveland False Imprisonment Attorney
Domestic Violence False Imprisonment Charges

False Imprisonment is charged in Fort Collins and Loveland when a person is accused of confining someone without their consent. Often, these cases involve a boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife so it is charged as an act of Domestic Violence. Even thought it sounds harsh – along the lines of Kidnapping, even the smallest action can result in False Imprisonment charges. Simply Continue Reading

Loveland False Imprisonment Defense Attorney
What Does it Mean to Illegally Confine or Detain Someone in Colorado?

In Loveland and Fort Collins, False Imprisonment is charged when a person is accused of illegally keeping someone from leaving an area. This is an easily charged Domestic Violence crime. We often have clients who are in the midst of an argument with a girlfriend or boyfriend and they simply block a doorway in an attempt to continue the conversation. Continue Reading

False Imprisonment Lawyers in Fort Collins, CO
Could I Be Charged with False Imprisonment for Making a Citizen’s Arrest in Larimer County?

False Imprisonment, C.R.S. 18-3-303, is charged in Fort Collins, CO for unlawfully detaining or confining another person without their consent.  Even with this law, however, there are some circumstances in which you may lawfully detain another person.  One such example is Arrest by a Private Person, more commonly known as a citizen’s arrest.  Yet, many people do not know when Continue Reading

False Imprisonment Lawyer at the Larimer County Courts
Misdemeanor vs. Felony False Imprisonment in Fort Collins, CO – What’s the Difference?

False Imprisonment, C.R.S. 18-3-303, is charged at the Larimer County Courts whenever a person knowingly detains or confines another person without their consent.  Generally, False Imprisonment is a class 2 misdemeanor and is punishable by time at the Larimer County Jail and a fine.  In some cases, however, it can instead be charged as a class 5 felony, resulting in Continue Reading

False Imprisonment Lawyer at the Larimer County Courts
FAQs on False Imprisonment Answered by Top Fort Collins Attorneys

In one episode of Parks and Recreation, the main protagonist Leslie Knope engages in an act that, if committed in Colorado, would result in her being charged with False Imprisonment at the Larimer County Courts.  When Leslie suspects that a teenager has vandalized the Parks & Rec department office, she immediately finds and detains him there for questioning.  While the Continue Reading

False Imprisonment Against a Child in Fort Collins
Charged with Felony False Imprisonment for Locking Child in a Room?

In Fort Collins and Larimer County, a person can be charged with False Imprisonment for confining another without their consent. But, what happens when the other person is a child? For some parents, disciplining a child is a difficult task. Sometimes taking away electronics or grounding is enough. What about when a child is physically out of control? If you Continue Reading

False Imprisonment Lawyer in Larimer County
Man Detained Woman in Car

False Imprisonment is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of detaining another without the legal right to do so. A man was recently arrested and charged with False Imprisonment and Kidnapping after witnesses reported seeing a woman try to escape a vehicle. According to the report, law enforcement received reports that witnesses saw a Continue Reading