Child Abuse is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person puts a child in danger of injury or neglect. A mother was recently charged with Child Abuse after her daughter was bitten in the face by the family dog. According to the report, the 8-year-old daughter required 27 stitches on her cheek, chin and near her eye. Continue Reading
Category: Child Abuse
Child Abuse Attorney Near Me in Fort Collins Father Arrested for Leaving Kids to Go to Strip Club
In Fort Collins and Larimer County, Child Abuse is charged when a person allows a child to be in a situation that could result in injury or death. A father is facing Child Abuse charges after it was discovered he left his two children home alone so he could go to a strip club. According to the report, the father Continue Reading
Larimer County Child Abuse Lawyer Woman Charged for Sending Child to School in Lyft
Child Abuse is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when you harm a child or put them in a situation where they could be harmed. A woman is facing this charge after hiring the ride-share company Lyft to take her 5 year old son to school. According to the report, the woman had requested the ride, and when the Continue Reading
Fort Collins Child Abuse Attorney Grandmother Charged for Leaving Grandson at Rest Stop
Putting a child in a situation where they could be injured is charged as Child Abuse in Fort Collins and Larimer County, no matter if it resulted in any injury or not. A grandmother has been charged with Child Abuse for leaving her special needs grandson unattended at a rest stop. According to the report, the boy was found at Continue Reading
Fort Collins Mandatory Reporting AttorneyFailure to Report Child Abuse as a Mandatory Reporter
Recently, there have been a number of publicized cases, where school staff members have been charged with Failure to Report Child Abuse and Neglect after learning about sexual assault allegations. In Fort Collins and Larimer County, if you are a mandatory reporter, you are required by law to report ANY suspected child abuse or neglect, whether the alleged abuser is Continue Reading
Fort Collins Child Abuse LawyerDad Gets in Altercation with His Daughter’s Bully
Physically harming a child or putting them in a dangerous situation, is charged as Child Abuse in Fort Collins and Larimer County. People are protective over their children and it comes as no surprise to me that a parent would get involved when they find out that their child is being bullied. However, one parent might have taken their protectiveness Continue Reading
Fort Collins Child Abuse Attorney Next Time, Call a Babysitter
A mother was recently arrested for Child Abuse after duct taping her son to a chair in the basement so she could take her daughter to the pool. According to the news report, the boy’s grandmother had wanted to take him to lunch, but the mother told her no. The grandmother was worried, so she went to the house and Continue Reading
Fort Collins Child Abuse Attorney | Don’t Open Those Presents or Else!
There is nothing better than finding the perfect present for someone, wrapping it, and giving it to them on Christmas. Watching their reaction as they open it is absolutely priceless. But, we know, kids tend to get excited and don’t especially like waiting for Christmas to get their presents. Hence, we get the snoopers who look through closets and under Continue Reading
Fort Collins Child Abuse Attorney | Leaving Children Home Alone – When is it Child Abuse?
While Colorado has no official law concerning what age a child can be left home alone, that does not prevent a parent from being charged with Child Abuse if the unsupervised children encountered danger. That is the case for a Denver mom, who was recently sentenced to 10 days in jail and four years of probation for Child Abuse. According Continue Reading
Fort Collins Child Abuse Attorney | Arrest for Making Children Walk to School?
I have heard so many stories about the government over-reaching and not allowing parents to discipline or raise their own children, but this one may just take the cake. A mother was trying to teach her two daughters a lesson after they missed the bus. My guess is that this was not the first time they had missed it. For Continue Reading