Burglary is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person unlawfully enters a location with the intent to commit another crime. Often, we associate Burglary with breaking into someone’s home and stealing. However, as you will see with today’s new story, any other crime (not just Theft) can apply to this criminal charge. Three bail bondsman were recently Continue Reading
Category: Burglary
Charged with Burglary? The Basics in Ft Collins and Larimer County
Have you been charged with Burglary in Fort Collins, Loveland, or Estes Park? It’s helpful to understand exactly what you’ve been charged with in order to effectively plan your defense. Burglary charges are complicated, which is why it’s in your best interest to work with an experienced criminal defense attorney to fight the charges against you. Let’s look closer at Continue Reading
Fort Collins Burglary and Trespassing Attorney Man in Dinosaur Onesie Wanted for Breaking into Homes and Cars
Breaking into a home to steal is charged as Burglary in Fort Collins and Larimer County while breaking into a car to steal is charged as Trespassing. A man will likely be facing both these charges after he was caught on doorbell camera breaking into homes and cars while wearing a dinosaur onesie and carrying a bag. According to the Continue Reading
Top 3 Differences Between Burglary and Robbery in Fort Collins, Colorado
Burglary and Robbery are terms that are often confused by those who don’t come across the legal definitions on a regular basis. When people think of a burglary or a robbery, they think of someone taking something that doesn’t belong to them (Theft) by breaking into their home or business. While this can be one possible scenario for a Burglary Continue Reading
Fort Collins Burglary Attorney Public Official Charged with Burglary and Cybercrime
In Fort Collins and Larimer County, in order to get charged with Burglary, you actually must commit two crimes: 1. Unlawfully enter somewhere and 2. With the intent to commit another crime. A Colorado deputy clerk was recently arrested and charged with Second Degree Burglary and Cybercrime after she was caught in her own office building. According to the report, Continue Reading
Fort Collins Burglary Lawyer Louis Vuitton High-End Merchandise Burglary
Burglary is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person unlawfully enters or remains in a building with the intent to commit another crime. When I read a recent news article about the Burglary of a Louis Vuitton store, it truly sounded like a movie scene, only in real life! According to the report, at least one man Continue Reading
Larimer County Second Degree Burglary Attorney The Cheeto Face Gave Her Away
Burglary is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person trespasses somewhere with the intent to commit another crime (usually Theft). A woman was recently arrested for this crime after the Cheeto dust on her face gave her away. According to the report, some homeowners called the police after a woman tried to break into their home. The Continue Reading
Fort Collins Third Degree Burglary Lawyer Vending Machine Burglary
Third Degree Burglary is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person is accused of breaking into a vending machine or other locked apparatus. Two men are currently wanted for this very crime after they were caught on camera trying to break into a coin machine. According to the report, one man attempted to cut the lock on Continue Reading
Burglary Attorney in Fort Collins Man Charged with Burglary After Pushing Into Parent’s Home
Burglary is charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County when a person unlawfully enters or remains in a building with the intent of committing another crime. This includes a home you may have previously been welcomed into. A man was recently arrested and charged with Burglary after forcing his way into his parent’s home. According to the report, both the Continue Reading
Burglary Attorney in Fort Collins Controlled Substances Burglary
In Fort Collins and Larimer County, Burglary is considered aggravated when there is a theft of controlled substances involved. A man was recently arrested for controlled substances Burglary after he was caught on surveillance video entering a pharmacy after it was closed. According to the report, a man had come into a grocery store to cash a Coinstar receipt. When Continue Reading