Disorderly Conduct Attorney in Fort Collins
Top 4 Frequently Asked Questions about Disorderly Conduct in Colorado

Disorderly Conduct is a crime charged in Fort Collins and Larimer County for various actions that disturb the peace or safety of the public. Found under C.R.S. 18-9-106, a person can be arrested for or given a summons for Disorderly Conduct if they intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly: Let’s answer the top 4 frequently asked questions Continue Reading

False Imprisonment Against a Child in Fort Collins
Charged with Felony False Imprisonment for Locking Child in a Room?

In Fort Collins and Larimer County, a person can be charged with False Imprisonment for confining another without their consent. But, what happens when the other person is a child? For some parents, disciplining a child is a difficult task. Sometimes taking away electronics or grounding is enough. What about when a child is physically Continue Reading