In Fort Collins, Loveland, and Estes Park, Forgery basically means faking something. Whether the person creates a fake identity or a fake document, doesn’t matter when it comes to the Forgery statute. All types of fakes are covered in this statute, meaning it has a very broad reach for forged documents. Let’s take a closer look at the various types of forging are covered in the Forgery statute.
Larimer County 1st Degree Forgery Lawyer: What is the Definition of Forgery and the Forging of Documents?
The Colorado law definition of 1st Degree Forgery – C.R.S. 18-5-102 – is:
(a) Part of an issue of money, stamps, securities, or other valuable instruments issued by a government or government agency; or
(b) Part of an issue of stock, bonds, or other instruments representing interests in or claims against a corporate or other organization or its property; or
(c) A deed, will, codicil, contract, assignment, commercial instrument, promissory note, check, or other instrument which does or may evidence, create, transfer, terminate, or otherwise affect a legal right, interest, obligation, or status; or
(d) A public record or an instrument filed or required by law to be filed or legally fileable in or with a public office or public servant; or
(e) A written instrument officially issued or created by a public office, public servant, or government agency; or
(f) Part of an issue of tokens, transfers, certificates, or other articles manufactured and designed for use in transportation fees upon public conveyances, or as symbols of value usable in place of money for the purchase of property or services available to the public for compensation; or
(g) Part of an issue of lottery tickets or shares designed for use in the lottery held pursuant to part 2 of article 35 of title 24, C.R.S.; or
(h) A document-making implement that may be used or is used in the production of a false identification document or in the production of another document-making implement to produce false identification documents.
When reading through the definition, you will see the language is so broad it practically covers EVERYTHING that a person could potentially fake or forge in Larimer, Boulder, and Grand County. And on top of that, Colorado lawmakers added a Second Degree Forgery – C.R.S. 18-5-104 – to make sure they left nothing to chance. Here is the definition of 2nd Degree Forgery in Colorado:
Use of Forged Academic Record in Fort Collins and Larimer County – C.R.S. 18-5-104.5
Although forging an academic record is clearly covered above, our legislators have made that conduct a separate crime. Whether a person is seeking employment or to get into a school or college and they use a forged academic record like a transcript, diploma, or grade report, they can be charged with the class 1 misdemeanor Use of Forged Academic Record.
Boulder County Forgery Lawyer: Money Documents
Forgery related to money documents is charged when a person makes changes to a contract or a promise to pay money (see part a above). For example, if you sign a contract promising to pay $1,000 for a service and then you try to alter the contract to show you only have to pay $500, this would be considered Forgery.
Estes Park Forgery Attorney: Stocks and Bonds
Forgery can also be charged for faking stocks, bonds, or other business ownership documents (see part b above). If a person were to create a fake stock or bond document or alter a real one to increase the value, this would be considered Forgery.
Loveland Attorney for Forgery Charges: Government Filed Documents
Anytime a person alters a document that has to be filed with the government, Forgery will be charged. This means faking a last will and testament or a deed to a house will result in criminal charges. It does not matter if the document is a fake from conception or just altered, Forgery charges apply either way.
Forgery and Traffic Tickets in Fort Collins: Signing Another Person’s Name to a Police Ticket
Forgery can also be charged when a person signs a traffic or police ticket with someone else’s name. We have had clients who were driving on a suspended or revoked license and signed a family member’s name to avoid getting into more trouble. When the police figure out the ticket is not signed correctly, Forgery charges ensue.